Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fabric Printing, Stamping, Dyeing, Painting, and Putting It All Together

Some days I sit down to write, and wonder where in the world to start. You and I both may well admit that I I work in a widely scattered pattern. It may appear that there is nothing linear in my thought process, but I swear there is. Imagine all the puzzle pieces out on the dining room table. I've finally found a few that fit together nicely.


I am a type junkie. I love the printing word, or just single letters or numbers, but maybe numbers most of all. I found some perfect balsa wood numbers in the scrap booking section, and turned them into stamps by painting them first, and then attaching wooden clothespins to them. (Why clothespins? Seriously, they were within reach, and I could hot glue them on.)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

An Update On the Naked Ladies

Spring is harder on my quilting hours than the holidays. As fast as it rains, the grass grows, and so do the weeds. I have to sneak time to work on my projects, and there have been days at a time I didn't get anything done at all. Add to it a little planned getaway last week, and I felt pushed and stressed.

Friday, May 6, 2016

How Instagram Saved My Design

The Process Is the Prize

You may not believe the above statement, but I do. I find more joy in working out problems than finishing the project. That doesn't--or shouldn't occur if using a published pattern, so I choose to go the organic route, and create my own. 

This started as an experiment in improv block making, and merged with another design I'd made a few months back. It's dominated my design wall for weeks, and I pushed myself this week to finish all the improv blocks. When it came to the setting triangles at the sides, I decided more improv blocks would muddy it up. It was back to the stash to find a fabric that would work, and once again the Moda Grunge won with it's unique texture. There was just one problem.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

#BraveQuilter Winner for April & May Linky OPEN

Welcome back to the #BraveQuilter link party!

Although anyone is welcome to link up, four bloggers completed the challenge for April, linking up at both the beginning and end of the month. I had my husband draw lots, and he came up with #3. That means Jennifer at 
The Inquiring Quilter is the #BraveQuilter winner for April! She will receive a custom dyed bundle of fabric from me in the next few weeks. Congratulations, Jennifer! Cheers to everyone who joined the challenge.

And now it's time to open the May linky!

Monday, May 2, 2016

#BraveQuilter Wrap Up Linky for April

Do not panic! It's here.
I didn't forget, but life got in the way this weekend.
Now back to the agenda.

This ending link up will be open May 2-4, 
and the #BraveQuilter for April runs
April 5-11.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bee Hive Blocks & My Month Arrives

Tic Tac Toe Block

April's block was the Tic Tac Toe, and the Queen Bee requested an orange center with blue or turquoise corners. I think this is going to make a beautiful quilt from the pictures I've seen so far. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Mandalas Created with Ice Dyeing

These four mandalas were created using a new technique for me: Ice dyeing. After reading all I could find, and watching several clips from You Tube, I gave it a try. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dyeing a Mandala

Experimental Dyeing Process: Mandala #1

I spent several months working with both vat dyeing, and low immersion dyeing. I played with wax/paraffin, soy wax, and glue resists. I stitched shibori. But up to this point, I never did good old tie dye as most of us grew up with. It was time.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Improv Art Quilt Progress

I thought I should show you some progress after a design wall stall. I jumped ship on this project to work on the Naked Ladies quilt, but I'm back. 

This particular project has taken a lot of my time just standing and staring. Rarely have I ever made anything like this, and it has taken a while to adjust to. First was the color, width, and variety of the strips. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Three Naked Ladies Blooming In the Moonlight

Three Naked Ladies

In my early years as a gardener, I was a plant hound. If I knew a house was to be torn down, I would ask to go in first, and dig out all the useful plants I could haul. Sometime in my scavenging I brought home some tag-a-longs. Several belladonna lily bulbs were planted along with daffodils, and it wasn't until nearly a year later when most of summer blooms were over that they magically popped up at the edge of the woods. Beautiful, pale pink flowers on leafless stems, hence the name, Naked Ladies!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Original Project Using "Soft & Cozy Keepsakes: Faux Rag Quilting" Technique

My original project made using Margo Yang's 
faux rag quilting technique from her new book--

Monday, April 18, 2016

Best New Quilting Book and Favorite Fabrics

The best way to choose variegated thread 
is to unroll a bit across your fabric. 

Is the color change subtle or sudden? 
These Sulkys are gorgeous on Schott cottons! 

Today's title should have hooked you: books and fabric. Isn't that like chocolate and peanut butter? But maybe you don't like chocolate? So it is with suggesting any book or fabric. This is my taste, and what works for me at this moment.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Taste the Colors!

Spontaneous Kisses

For lack of a better name, let me use that today. Hopefully you'll see where it's going as the piece progresses. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dyeing Techniques: Shibori

Shibori Techniques

This was one weekend I was grateful for poor weather. Having an excuse to not go out meant I could play for hours on end, and so I did. I've been planning to try out some dyeing techniques from a new book, Shibori by Janice Gunner, and this was perfect timing.

Monday, April 11, 2016

My Secret Life As a Stripper

A Day of True Confessions

Nearly 30 years ago, I started stripping. I was looking for a way to get some new things, but I didn't have a lot of money. I tried not to be embarrassed, and shared my secret with only my closest friends. Surprisingly, I found a few who had also turned to stripping for the cache.

It's not for the meek or fainthearted, and takes a fair amount of brains and strength. Once you've gotten started the time passes fairly quickly, and it's like money in your pocket. I find if I just turn the music on really loud and use a good spotlight, it eases my fear of making a mistake. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Freestyle Improv Blocks: Declaration for One Monthly Goal

Block Play

A few weekends ago I wrapped up my work for the day, and decided I had earned some play time. Playing with blocks is my favorite creative outlet as a quilter. Drawing things out on paper or the computer is good, but physically handling fabric is far more therapeutic and inspiring.

Monday, April 4, 2016

#BraveQuilter Winner for March & April Linky OPEN

The Winner for March is...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Patchwork Carry All Tote Kit from Craftsy

Which one would you pick? 

Patchwork Carry All Tote Kit

Skill level: Advanced Beginner
Time to complete: One Weekend
On Sale NOW for just $21.78!

Occasionally a company will ask an affiliate blogger to make a product, and review the pattern and process. I've agreed to do this bag for Craftsy, but I will share with you, dear Reader, my honest opinion.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

#BraveQuilter: March Wrap Up Link Party

What does it mean to be brave in the context of quilting?

Is it really to 'face and endure danger without showing fear' as many dictionaries state? Well, honestly, I can't think about too many things with quilting that are really dangerous besides rotary cutters, longarm quilting machines, and running with scissors. We're not talking about bodily harm with #BraveQuilter--we're talking about the fear of failure.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hazel and Hank Hedgehogs

Hazel the Hedgehog
Pattern by Elizabeth Hartman
"Fabrics and Fibs" print by Anna Marie Horner

'Hank the Hedgehog'
So named because I'm partial to the name Hank, and 
this was meant for a little boy.
Print fabric by Birch Organic

Monday, March 28, 2016

Gold Rush Finish a.k.a. The Klimt Quilt

"Art is a line around your thoughts."
~Gustav Klimt

"Gold Rush" a.k.a. "The Klimt Quilt"

This scrap quilt reminds people of a Gustav Klimt work, although that was never my original intention. I didn't see it myself until a niece made a comment after seeing it online. It was interesting to me as I'm drawn to Klimt's work, and have had reproductions hanging in my house. I wondered if that was a subconscious influence. I don't know.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Easy Quilted Heating Pad Cover Tutorial

Quilted Heating Pad Cover Tutorial

This is Easter week. Schools are out, and many of us have been busy with family obligations. While the blog has been very quiet, my real life has been quite busy. I've missed you!
I have to admit to getting my quilting fix over on Instagram with Amy's Creative Side, @amyscreativeside #IGquiltfest, and Leanne's, @devotedquilter #springintocolourphotochallenge. Check them both out for some colorful eye candy before you hide your baskets.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Quilt Blocks and Weekly Plan

Groovy Solids

Do you remember this Sesame Street song?

"One of these things is not like the other,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell me which thing is not like the others
Before I finish this song?"

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Uppsala Stars Goes Modern Friday Finish

Uppsala Stars Modern: Finished and Bound

Uppsala Stars is a Sew You Learn teaching pattern I've created, and available through Craftsy. It's made with easy measurements, and ideal for a beginner to intermediate quilter to work through on their own. I hope you enjoy this new colorway.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pressing Perfect Edges with Aluminum Foil

Did you ever find something so simple 
you were almost silly about it?

Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Make Weekly Studio Goals Within Reason

It's Monday early, and both my personal and studio To-Do-Lists are crippling! I had a relaxing, long weekend away, but arrived home to find I'm swamped even when I was very organized. It feels awful.

How Do You Cope?

First, I am a list maker. I wrote everything down for each list--even though it was overwhelming. Then I prioritized half of it, and picked 4 of those things to start on. Still too much, perhaps, but well within reason. I made reachable goals.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sewing a Zipper Bag from Socks

Upcycled Footie Socks to Zipper Bag

It goes without saying that we are examples to family and friends when they see us making. Never underestimate the impact you have inspiring someone else, and I will add, even if they never show the smallest interest. 

A Short Story to This Interesting Project

My youngest daughter, the llama keeper, mentioned something off handed to me one morning about making a zipper bag from old socks. I snickered, and said I didn't think that was possible. I likely replied, " won't work." And she tossed back, "Well, I did it." Now she had my full attention.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Oh, to Be In a Bee Hive! A Quilty One!

Wanta Fanta Block requested by the March Queen

For nearly a year, I listened to friends and bloggers drone on about their Bees and Bee Blocks. Some were part of local quilt bees where the whole group made one block in a selected palette, brought them in to a meeting, and they would draw lots for the blocks. 

Others, like my friend, Beth, from Cooking Up Quilts, were part of online virtual bees. Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts hosts Bee Hive Swarms on her site by organizing those quilters who sign up, and she also hosts the tutorials for 25 blocks ideal for any bee.

For those who are unfamiliar, let me give you a quick lay of the land. The Hive I'm in consists of 12 people with one of them acting as the overall organizer. Each person has the chance to be Queen one month, and choose a block from those posted on Blossom Heart's site. She or he may request certain colors or style of prints for various parts of the block, and each of the members of the hive do their best to please the reigning Queen. By the end of the month, all blocks are expected to be in the mail. 

Often the blocks are mailed with other goodies or such, but it's not a requirement. I have to honestly admit I'm lucky to have gotten the past two blocks out on time so there were no extras. I'm trying very hard to do better and prioritize.

The Quatrefoil Block done for last month's Queen.

My friend, Irene, asked me what drew me to do this. There were two reasons. One, I wanted to meet other quilters, and spend some time getting to know them. Not all Hive members are bloggers, and I wouldn't have met them otherwise. Two, I wanted to stretch myself with trying new blocks. Don't let the simplicity of some of these fool you! The top block, Wanta Fanta, has paper pieced X's, and you should have heard me groaning. But guess what? They came out beautifully, even though that's not my first love. The instructions were spot on, and I experienced success. I grew as a quilter today.

Bee Hive sign ups usually happen the last few months of the year so if you're interested be on the watch. You could also organize your own hive with local quilting friends, or with online friends. Nothing says you have to start in January. You could do a summer block swap with just a handful of friends and each wind up with a throw for fall. Just an idea I might be throwing around myself.

Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's run this to the mailbox.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Warm-Fuzzy Quilted Gifts and Stash Acquistions

How lucky we are to have talented friends.
That says, "mmm! quilts 'hearts' Pink Doxies."

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Adding Complicated Borders and Link Party #BraveQuilter is OPEN

New Link Party Open Below

Monday Afternoon Wrap Up

This week has been busy, and sewing sessions were short. The important thing was to squeeze in spare minutes whenever I could. My only goal Monday was to add the piano key borders, and it took a lot longer than anticipated.

This design is dependent on everything squaring up. If you've ever made any quilt block, you realize every piece within that block relates to the parts. Your cutting, seam allowances, and even pressing contribute to the block coming out the correct size. Increase that scale to a 65" square, and things can go haywire instantly!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Celebrate International Craft Month with Giveaways and a Quilted Cross Body Bag Tutorial

What's the big buzz about?

March is International Craft Month,
and that means it's time to Bee Creative!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mrs. Bannister's Star Finish and a Y-Seam Link Party

More Design On the Fly

Winter light makes it tough to get the shot just right.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tokyo Train Ride Out to the Borders: Design On the Fly

You might call this busy.
I say it's happy.
I like happy!

Design On the Fly

I like not knowing exactly where a  quilt will wind up. Also, I'm honest to a fault about my work, and believe wholeheartedly in showing you the process. It makes me feel very human when someone else shows their me their struggle to design, and I assume I'm not alone. Unless you're following a well tested pattern, there are lots of little roadblocks to work through. Rarely it works like you planned it, but the whole creative process with changes and all is very liberating. It's not really improvisational quilting, or improv. It's more 'design on the fly'. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Craftsy Sweetens Up My Quilting Life! Winners

Pardon our one day delay, but we're 
here with the official list.
Drum roll, please...

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Kaleidoscope Blocks with Tokyo Train Ride by Sarah Watts

Kaleidoscope Blocks

Last week I gave you my impression of the Craftsy class, "Color Play" with Joen Wolfrom. (Today is the last day to sign up for the Craftsy Giveaway, and winners will be announced here and on mmm! quilts tomorrow.) I showed you how it had changed my perspective of color, and in turn how I now picked out fabrics for a quilt. I really felt it would be incomplete if I stopped there, so I've started the actual quilt. Pop back to the "Color Play" post for fabric details, etc.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hand Quilting Mrs. Bannister's Stars

Mrs. Bannister's Stars secondary pattern