Scrappy Heart Crush: How to Use a Paper Template/Pattern
In the past blog post, Free Pattern: Scrappy Heart Crush, I showed how to make the paper template above. Today I'll show you how to use it, and add a few cutting and trimming details to the template.
Years ago quilters were used to making a lot of their own paper templates, or improvising to recreate a pattern. We aren't as comfortable drawing up our own patterns anymore, and rely on purchased patterns where all measurements are laid out. EQ8 is a big help, but often a pencil and paper is more than adequate. Most people are very capable at creating their own patterns. I encourage you to try it because it's such a confidence builder, and gives you options when you see something you'd rather not spend a lot of cash on.
Start by folding the pattern on the lines. Just make a crease forward or backward. You will need to fold the segments to check your seam allowances, and trim the block.
Lay out all your pieces or scraps for a general idea of how they go together. The pattern is marked with information on pieces that need to be cut precisely with a ruler.
Cut 2 pieces of fabric to use for top of heart according to pattern. Use a 2" square of background fabric, draw a diagonal line on background fabric. Position as shown. Sew on line, press to back of block, and trim. Do both pieces and sew together matching at background "V".
Cut a triangle of background fabric according to template. Fold the triangle of background fabric in half to find the midpoint of long edge. Match to center seam and sew together. The triangles on all corners are cut oversized to allow you to trim precisely when the block is complete.
Cut 4 strips according to the measurements on the template. (I did not cut mine to length in the photo. Sorry. The measurements given are the minimum lengths needed.) Fold in half to find the centers then eyeball down from center seam and sew.
Lay the paper template on top of the right side of the block matching template lines to seams. If the seams are not quite accurate, it's okay. This is a very forgiving block. Using a square ruler on top of the template, trim the lower portion of the block. You have not yet added the bottom triangle.
Use the same method to the top of the block and trim.

Fold the side corners back on the solid line making sure you add your 1/4" seam allowance. Trim.

Your block should look like this now.
Cut a bottom triangle according to the pattern measurement or use the template to help you cut one from a piece of scrap fabric. Notice how I cut mine oversized here. Sew.

Add your side triangles, and then trim all corners with the ruler to a precise 10 1/2". Done. What a cute block, and it's great for using up all colors of strings! Reach out to me with any questions you might have.
Next post is how to do the LOVE block. Can't wait to see you back here in a few days.
Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.