Friday, September 22, 2017

Reaching the Summit of Scrap Mountain

The Insomnia Block:
Four Patch Scrappy 
Friendship Star

May I introduce to you my friend, Insomnia. She has been visiting quite often this week, and I am ready for her to go home! I need to sleep. The only good thing about being awake at 3 a.m. is the email flying back and forth with my good friend and prolific quilter in Australia. Check out her great scrap ideas (and incredible paper piecing) on Instagram @sewsurprising

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jenna's Most Glorious Scrap Quilt

Almost Too Pretty to Say Scrap

A very dear friend was making a quilt for her granddaughter patterned after one she had seen hanging in a local restaurant. (Yes, in this part of the country we are surrounded by quilts even in restaurants. Most definitely works of art.) She first studied the quilt, searched for the pattern, then modified parts of it to make it her own. And as the Queen of Scrap, this project would make good use of her vast kingdom of scraps.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Improv Chinese Coins Finish

Ready for a Sleeve...of Some Kind

Almost every picture I use on Pink Doxies is shot with a 5 year old Canon Power Shot Elph 110 HS. It's not a high end camera, and smaller and lighter than my iPhone of the same vintage. It's easy to throw in my purse. But occasionally I like to use iPhone pictures, if only to give an idea of what things look like under less-than-ideal conditions. When we look at our work in real life--in our homes, they are not typically in optimal photo studio lighting. A quilted piece should not be hung in bright daylight especially as textiles are prone to fading. So let's get real and pretend this is going to be something hung in a hallway, which it is. The light will probably be dim most of the time, and look much like above.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Washing a Vintage Quilt Top & Hurricane Irma

Washed, Dried & Pressed

Isn't She a Red & White Beauty!

Hurricane Update: Like this vintage quilt top, we have been spared by Hurricane Irma. A neighbor's tree fell in our yard, and we lost palm fronds. Power came on last night, and the house is drying out from general humidity. That is nothing in comparison to the devastation south and north of us. I am so grateful to those of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

My heart truly aches for those who are trying to make sense of what has happened, and pick up the pieces. The need is so great between Harvey and Irma, but understanding the process of clean up and rebuilding is very important when you think of how you can help. This short CBS story will open your eyes to how relief efforts can actually slow the process. Thanks to my niece for sharing it with me.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Slow Stitching & Heavy Heart

Improv Chinese Coins

It has been a long week or two. Harvey first then Irma on his tail. We have a home on Florida's west coast, and the town and those nearby have evacuated. We survived a direct hit from hurricane Charley 13 years ago, but Irma seems much more wicked. Living in the northern U.S. we don't face the same issues as those who are there full time, but we are sad/afraid/worried for good friends there. I have been watching the storm updates, and stitching out my worries. There is nothing to do until the storm passes through.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Improv Chinese Coins from Scraps

Pocket Change Improv

This project was born from scraps. The fabric is a combination of Kaffe Fassett, Moda Grunge, and batiks. Check them out as 9 patches in this post for A Lesson In Value & Fabric Choice and a Hop. I had separated the scraps in a box instead of mixing them into my scrap stash, and they were easily turned into this wall hanging based on the Chinese coins pattern.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Strips, Strings & Fine Lines Between Roman Stripes

Basket Weave & Chinese Coins
Both Roman Stripe Patterns

This weekend was a perfect time to wander about town looking for examples of lines. I am curious how the things we see influence the things we make. Elements of our lives and everyday world find their way into our work naturally. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Details: Amish Inspired Roman Stripe Quilt

Amish Inspired Roman Stripe Quilt

I think it is important to show quilts in our homes in use, and for what they were intentionally created for--both warmth and beauty. This picture was not staged because I would have been a bit more careful with a dirty box full of sweet corn from the field, but was that a pretty sight when I opened the front door! Now let me tell you about the process of making this very traditional, Roman stripe quilt. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

What Is a Roman Stripe?

Amish Inspired Roman Stripe Quilt

The first pattern I chose to launch my project of pattern study was one often used by early quilters because of its simplicity. Strips of fabric sewn together on their longest sides to create a vivid pattern are called Roman stripes. In this first post, I would like to explain some of what I have learned about the pattern itself.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Finding Your Sweet Spot in Quilting Pt. II

Late1930's-1950's Postage Stamp Style
Pieced Bed Cover with Prairie Points

This is an 88" x 90" pieced bed cover, which might be mistaken for an unquilted quilt top. But the finished edge of alternating cheddar and white prairie points says it was complete. A spread like this was probably used to cover bed linens that might not have been as pretty. In days when laundry was time intensive, and done without automatic washers and dryers, this was a good option to keep the bed looking fresh and clean for visitors stopping by.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Finding Your Sweet Spot In Quilting Pt. I

1930's & 40's Large Vintage 
Log Cabin Top--Hand Pieced

August 4, 2017 quietly marked Pink Doxies' 3 year blogiversary. I spent the day volunteering at the Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale in the Quilter's Corner. (Did you know this is an annual even happening the same weekend every year?)

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Asian-Inspired Log Cabin Zipper Bag

JoAnn's New Quilt Fabric Department!

If you haven't dropped into your local JoAnn store in the past few weeks, expect a most pleasant surprise. They are moving in quilting fabric by the truck load! The stores will be carrying 1091 quilt fabrics when the shelves are finally full, but the first wave of these gorgeous new fabrics already whet this quilter's appetite. I was looking for some special fabric for a gift project, and knew it when I saw it.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Portable Quilt Frame & 2 Finished Quilts for Show

Moda Modern In Print
Finished and Delivered

Insomnia has taken over tonight. I adjusted my pillows too many times to try again, and a cup of herb tea seemed more welcoming. One side of my mind was stewing in the guilt of not posting in so long, but the other was running through the list of all the things I had accomplished through my blogging hiatus. We cannot be all things to all people, and this summer has belonged to me, and my idea of becoming more centered. Loose ends frustrate me, and my life has been feeling quite unraveled over the past many months. I thought a summer break would be relaxing, but I have never been busier. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Quilt National 2017 & Athens Dairy Barn Workshops

Days pass by, and I think to myself, "I should be writing a blog post instead of ____. I'm AWOL. It's been x days since the last one." And another little voice says, "You have nothing significant to say. Be still." So I keep working in silence. My reward is time to tackle those projects that need undivided attention. Something was a sticking point with each one. The studio is feeling lighter, but the mess is growing as I dig through stacks. Thankfully, I work best in chaos.

Monday, July 24, 2017

"A Walk In the Woods" Two Baby Quilts Done

Finished, Bound, Mailed & Delivered

Actually, the quilts are just on their way, but the babies themselves have arrived. I was told by another blogger that having the quilts there within the first year was a reasonable goal, but hitting the first week was remarkable. I was hoping for sooner, but later worked, too, since the twins' arrival was a bit early.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Twin Baby Girl Quilts

Twice as Nice

Oh, no, not twins for the same person, but my chance to do a second set of twin girl quilts this year! The first set was for 4 year olds, but this set is meant for soon-to-be's. While the first set was made-to-order and needed to be very close to identical, this set was a gift from Auntie Julie, and I could do whatever I wanted. I wanted them to be similar, but distinctly different.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Dangerous Roads Quilting

"Dangerous Roads"

First things first, folks. I've been on 'blogcation', meaning I took a break from blogging. Unplanned, but it happened naturally. The rhythm of summer took over with holidays, friends, home projects, and keeping up with acres and acres of mowing. The heat and rain just keep coming here in the Midwest, with no end in sight. My current projects have been full marathons as opposed to when I could say, "Look at the pot holder I whipped up!" 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Moda Modern Building Blocks Quilt Porn

"Moda Modern in Print"

The Moda Modern Building Blocks came off the frame nearly 2 weeks ago. I needed to assess and mark the areas requiring more quilting, turn it 90 degrees, and put it back on. While it seemed simple, I was researching behind the scenes. I'd run out of my standard blue fabric markers, and was fairly uncertain I wanted more. I'd had a run in with one that refused to come out in this Costa Maya project, and wondered if there was anything new on the market.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Inspirational Design for the Quilter

Wynn Las Vegas

There is no greater place under one roof than Wynn Las Vegas if you are a quilter looking for design inspiration. Of course, this is my humble opinion, but allow me to show you just one small part. 

The arrangement above was in the middle of a long promenade. Notice how it was tilted slightly off center. I thought to myself, 'It eliminated that centering issue we often have with a motif, and the eye naturally adjust to saying it's skewed on purpose rather than off. I can use that.'

Another quick lesson in breaking up negative space is the ceiling: outlining, cutaways, use of color to recede and pop alternating sections, layering, and lastly illumination. All are things we think about in quilt design. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Freefall Fix Up

Freefall à la Art Gallery

My plate has been rather full lately. I have been working with blinders on to finish pieces intended for exhibits or show deadlines. I also knew I had one quick trip planned for last weekend, and by Thursday morning was was right on schedule. My good friend, Sandra from mmm! quilts, texted early that day to remind me to link up to the finish linky for Freefall. The button is on my sidebar if you want the pattern. I had pattern tested for her ahead of time so my blocks were all done by the time the actual QAL had started. Obviously, she assumed I had finished the whole assembly, but...