Friday, July 7, 2017

Dangerous Roads Quilting

"Dangerous Roads"

First things first, folks. I've been on 'blogcation', meaning I took a break from blogging. Unplanned, but it happened naturally. The rhythm of summer took over with holidays, friends, home projects, and keeping up with acres and acres of mowing. The heat and rain just keep coming here in the Midwest, with no end in sight. My current projects have been full marathons as opposed to when I could say, "Look at the pot holder I whipped up!" 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Moda Modern Building Blocks Quilt Porn

"Moda Modern in Print"

The Moda Modern Building Blocks came off the frame nearly 2 weeks ago. I needed to assess and mark the areas requiring more quilting, turn it 90 degrees, and put it back on. While it seemed simple, I was researching behind the scenes. I'd run out of my standard blue fabric markers, and was fairly uncertain I wanted more. I'd had a run in with one that refused to come out in this Costa Maya project, and wondered if there was anything new on the market.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Inspirational Design for the Quilter

Wynn Las Vegas

There is no greater place under one roof than Wynn Las Vegas if you are a quilter looking for design inspiration. Of course, this is my humble opinion, but allow me to show you just one small part. 

The arrangement above was in the middle of a long promenade. Notice how it was tilted slightly off center. I thought to myself, 'It eliminated that centering issue we often have with a motif, and the eye naturally adjust to saying it's skewed on purpose rather than off. I can use that.'

Another quick lesson in breaking up negative space is the ceiling: outlining, cutaways, use of color to recede and pop alternating sections, layering, and lastly illumination. All are things we think about in quilt design. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Freefall Fix Up

Freefall à la Art Gallery

My plate has been rather full lately. I have been working with blinders on to finish pieces intended for exhibits or show deadlines. I also knew I had one quick trip planned for last weekend, and by Thursday morning was was right on schedule. My good friend, Sandra from mmm! quilts, texted early that day to remind me to link up to the finish linky for Freefall. The button is on my sidebar if you want the pattern. I had pattern tested for her ahead of time so my blocks were all done by the time the actual QAL had started. Obviously, she assumed I had finished the whole assembly, but...

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Moda Modern Building Blocks Off the Frame

First Round Done

Yesterday was a challenge to get through the last pass on this Moda Modern Building Blocks. I was pretty excited to finally unpin, and evaluate its progress.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Summer Besides Quilting

Feels Like a Summer Quilt to Me

Summer is full-blown here in Ohio, and it's hard to believe how fast the year is flying. People are moving in every direction along with in and out of the house, and I feel like a flight director. A friend asked me about making plans for a September retreat, and when I glared at her incredulously she reminded me it was a few months away. No! I just started cleaning up the gardens! I need more summer, but how?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Pick Your One Favorite Quilt, Art Quilt, Piece of Art...

"If asked to pick your one 
favorite piece from everything you've 
ever done, what would it be, and why?"

I asked myself this question. I've been asking lots of tough questions in my quest for balance, but this one was easy. Hands down, the piece above was my all time favorite. 

This all came about as I debated about entering a show in which I would have to offer the piece for sale. A few days of careful thinking, and I decided it was one piece I would not part with. And that led me to consider some new ideas.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Longarm Quilting "Moda Modern in Print"

Loaded Lengthwise: The Starting Block

"Moda Modern in Print"

Long on my list to quilt, Moda Modern Building Blocks is finally in the frame. You can see above that I was all "anti-solid" fabrics, and substituted my beloved prints. 90% were from my stash, but a few odd ones were picked because they matched the shade in the pattern. You can read about individual block construction (and errata) below. This was a fun quilt, but shockingly begun nearly 2 years ago to the day!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Quilted Zombies: Heating Pad Cover & Body Pillow

Heat Seeking Zombies 

Years ago I made one of our sons a zombie quilt. One of our daughters fell in love with the fabric. Would I make her one, too, please? Sure, if I had enough fabric, but sadly there was not. So, I promised a smaller project, and we all know how those promises go. The shoemaker's children go barefoot! This week I kept my promise.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Stunning Circle for MQG Pt II Finish

Stunning Circle Quilt

I had a finish to this project early this week, but time and computer issues prevented me showing it. Part I will take you from the creation of the circle through the applique process, and at that point I kept telling myself to not overthink the quilting. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Stunning Circle Quilt for MQG Challenge Pt 1

"Finding Center"

The Pittsburgh Modern Quilt Guild issued a challenge to all members for minis to display in the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza in September 2017. (PNQE) For months I wracked my brain for a fun project, and then settled on a project from a Craftsy class I'd recently watched. It's based on a 25" 9 Degree Circle Ruler designed by Marilyn Doheny, though Andi Perejda presents the class. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bigfoot Sighting In a Beer Mug Rug

Bigfoot Is Real!

One thing I would never have put to my name is a Bigfoot quilt, I thought, but I had a passionate request from someone close to me for a king size quilt with Bigfoot on it. This was a good time for me to practice how to talk someone/something down to size, and we continued until I knew it was manageable during this terribly busy season. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A Vintage Singer Bender

1952 Singer BZ 9-8
Long Bobbin, Bullet Bobbin, 
or Shuttle Machine

Before anyone comments, I fully admit this post proves why I need to be concerned with balance. I tend to be an all or nothing kind of gal, and sewing tangents are my specialty! I don't believe I'd have confessed to the extent of my obsession or this bender with these gorgeous, vintage gals if it wasn't for Sandra at mmm! Quilts hinting in her latest, crazy must-read post WWJD, about our escapades through text messaging (outing me to the world), but now I shall do so without as much guilt. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Seeking Balance: Quilting with Friends & Y Seams Simplified

Irene's Flying Geese

Note: The last two posts have been more thought provoking so I wanted to give you something lighter before I continued the second half. Here is some eye candy, a group tutorial on Y Seams without the aggravation, and the benefit of sewing with friends. I like to sew alone when I'm working creatively, but it's a treat to sew with friends. This particular group is amazing! Creating more of those moments, and sharing my studio space is helping me with balance. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

May: Positivity In Loss

Candle, Flame, Candlelight, Light

The Many Sides of Loss

I feel myself struggling to explain the sentiments of loss in all its wide definitions, but also how it affects our lives as quilters. No one's life is immune from loss, but some people manage better than others. It makes me wonder how the same experience is processed differently by people. Losses in our quilting life are much lighter in comparison to everyday life, but I think the psychology of things that trip us up is the same. We save certain fabrics and tiny scraps, form deep attachments to things we've created, and question if we really have to give that quilt away! But the process of making, completing, and gifting a quilt is full of decisions based on these concepts. Can we make some of them easier by changing our attitude about them?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May: Checking for Balance

Stones, Stone, Tower, Balance, Rock

Checking for Balance

Before you say this is not a quilting related post, ask yourself: "What stops me from doing the thing I love most?" Often it involves something you have control over at one time or another. Chances are it could have been done earlier, but the choice was made to do something else instead. Life is full of trade offs. Right? But if you're looking for more time in your life to do the things you want--quilting or sewing, for example, then stay tuned this month, and read on. We'll talk about why we collect some of the so-called baggage in our lives, and how to become free from it.  When problem areas take on a life of their own, it's our right to take control. We can give ourselves permission.

I am especially reaching out to those of you who feel the Merry-Go-Round hasn't slowed down since 2017 began, and like me you want to get off.  Early this year I made a plan to focus on the future, and create a long range schedule. I've spent 4 months making quilts for charity, and while several are still not done, it is time for change. May is my target month for winding down, and regaining equilibrium. It seems most timely while the seasons change to one of renewed growth. You may call it tuning in to Self or listening to an inner voice, but it's simply time to decide what is working well in life, and what could benefit from change. You might even question some things in your own life along the way. Change requires work on our parts now to make it easier later, but quilters are known for their long vision and perseverance. Join me!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Freefall Quilt Along Progress

Progression of the Fall

I feel like I might have some demerits for being neglectful in my posts this past week, but it's spring, and we are busy, busy, busy! I kept telling myself I would jump in here 'tomorrow', but everyday has been packed full. You won't even be surprised to hear I lost my camera along the way, and the best I could muster were pictures from my phone. I'm sure that's happened to you, too.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

One Patch Color Theory & Rainbows

 "Tutti Frutti"

The monthly sewing group gathers late this month so I've allowed the studio to fall into chaos before the big clean up midweek. Lots of digging through bins asking, "What's this, and why did I save it?" I delegated things into piles of Move On and Keep. That process led to stacks of fabric piled onto the table, and cut up into piles of 4" squares. 

I've Got This!

I feel a great relief at finally finding a method that works well for me. No more making lots of decisions every time I deal with scrap cutting. KISS: I get as many 4" scraps as possible from a piece of scrap fabric then turn the rest into strips of 3", 2.5", 2", or 1.5". I needed a cut and dried method, and settling on one I could be consistent with was a blessing. These measurements and combinations of are flexible enough to be used in most scrap patterns easily.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Vintage Singer 15-91 Rescue & Revitalization

Vintage Singer 15-91 Manufactured Approximately 1947

My husband regularly scans Craig's List, and this popped up in the town next to us. Was I interested? I wasn't sure. I have another Vintage Singer that is an industrial machine, and frankly, it scares me. It was last used in a flag factory, and built for speed. I was looking for one to sew leather.

A quick internet search tagged the advertised model as great for leather, but also as 'The Tailor's Machine'. Now I was interested. The ad said it was in working order, and $65 for the machine, cabinet, attachments, and manual. Not a hefty investment if something went wrong. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

One Patch Layouts & Improv Charity Quilts

"In your Easter bonnet,
with all the frills upon it..."

Over several days last week I had a marathon of sorts. I had some donated fabric I really wanted to use up, and get out of my studio. It might not have been my pick of fabrics, but that's a little bit of the fun involved. Working outside your comfort zone is always a good challenge!