Friday, May 5, 2017

May: Positivity In Loss

Candle, Flame, Candlelight, Light

The Many Sides of Loss

I feel myself struggling to explain the sentiments of loss in all its wide definitions, but also how it affects our lives as quilters. No one's life is immune from loss, but some people manage better than others. It makes me wonder how the same experience is processed differently by people. Losses in our quilting life are much lighter in comparison to everyday life, but I think the psychology of things that trip us up is the same. We save certain fabrics and tiny scraps, form deep attachments to things we've created, and question if we really have to give that quilt away! But the process of making, completing, and gifting a quilt is full of decisions based on these concepts. Can we make some of them easier by changing our attitude about them?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May: Checking for Balance

Stones, Stone, Tower, Balance, Rock

Checking for Balance

Before you say this is not a quilting related post, ask yourself: "What stops me from doing the thing I love most?" Often it involves something you have control over at one time or another. Chances are it could have been done earlier, but the choice was made to do something else instead. Life is full of trade offs. Right? But if you're looking for more time in your life to do the things you want--quilting or sewing, for example, then stay tuned this month, and read on. We'll talk about why we collect some of the so-called baggage in our lives, and how to become free from it.  When problem areas take on a life of their own, it's our right to take control. We can give ourselves permission.

I am especially reaching out to those of you who feel the Merry-Go-Round hasn't slowed down since 2017 began, and like me you want to get off.  Early this year I made a plan to focus on the future, and create a long range schedule. I've spent 4 months making quilts for charity, and while several are still not done, it is time for change. May is my target month for winding down, and regaining equilibrium. It seems most timely while the seasons change to one of renewed growth. You may call it tuning in to Self or listening to an inner voice, but it's simply time to decide what is working well in life, and what could benefit from change. You might even question some things in your own life along the way. Change requires work on our parts now to make it easier later, but quilters are known for their long vision and perseverance. Join me!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Freefall Quilt Along Progress

Progression of the Fall

I feel like I might have some demerits for being neglectful in my posts this past week, but it's spring, and we are busy, busy, busy! I kept telling myself I would jump in here 'tomorrow', but everyday has been packed full. You won't even be surprised to hear I lost my camera along the way, and the best I could muster were pictures from my phone. I'm sure that's happened to you, too.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

One Patch Color Theory & Rainbows

 "Tutti Frutti"

The monthly sewing group gathers late this month so I've allowed the studio to fall into chaos before the big clean up midweek. Lots of digging through bins asking, "What's this, and why did I save it?" I delegated things into piles of Move On and Keep. That process led to stacks of fabric piled onto the table, and cut up into piles of 4" squares. 

I've Got This!

I feel a great relief at finally finding a method that works well for me. No more making lots of decisions every time I deal with scrap cutting. KISS: I get as many 4" scraps as possible from a piece of scrap fabric then turn the rest into strips of 3", 2.5", 2", or 1.5". I needed a cut and dried method, and settling on one I could be consistent with was a blessing. These measurements and combinations of are flexible enough to be used in most scrap patterns easily.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Vintage Singer 15-91 Rescue & Revitalization

Vintage Singer 15-91 Manufactured Approximately 1947

My husband regularly scans Craig's List, and this popped up in the town next to us. Was I interested? I wasn't sure. I have another Vintage Singer that is an industrial machine, and frankly, it scares me. It was last used in a flag factory, and built for speed. I was looking for one to sew leather.

A quick internet search tagged the advertised model as great for leather, but also as 'The Tailor's Machine'. Now I was interested. The ad said it was in working order, and $65 for the machine, cabinet, attachments, and manual. Not a hefty investment if something went wrong. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

One Patch Layouts & Improv Charity Quilts

"In your Easter bonnet,
with all the frills upon it..."

Over several days last week I had a marathon of sorts. I had some donated fabric I really wanted to use up, and get out of my studio. It might not have been my pick of fabrics, but that's a little bit of the fun involved. Working outside your comfort zone is always a good challenge!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Freefall Spring Quilt Along

Freefall Spring Quilt Along 2017

My dear friend, Sandra, at mmm! Quilts is in the midst of her Spring Quilt Along, and I'm finally getting to show you my progress. Details can be found HERE, and the second linky HERE. The pattern is being issued biweekly for free so be sure to download it as it comes out.

About that black leaf: First of all you're thinking, "That doesn't look very spring-y." And I would fully agree with you. But I would also say I thought this project through ahead of time--for once, and knew I would be more inclined to use this as a late summer/early fall wall hanging than spring. The first fabric I had to choose with that in mind was the background. Moda Grunge in a rusty orange was an obvious first pick. Then I raided all my Art Gallery Fabrics, and without regard to color or print, I combined them. It was like making Kitchen Sink Soup. They were all going in. The one factor that they would have in common was they had nothing in common. But these are really beautiful fabrics and gorgeous prints! I had faith. It would work.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Friendly Advice About Quilt Alongs

Isn't that just the cutest little block?

I'm beginning to think that sampler blocks are like children. Each one is so different, but they all belong to you, and there's not an ugly one in the bunch! 

From a critical point of view, some of the points got knocked off, and more will with additional seam allowances around it. Do I care? Nah, no way! I think it's adorable! Yup, me who only liked modern looking fabrics for how long. It's so, so different playing with subtle fabrics. It's like painting with a finer brush, in my opinion. It takes a lighter hand to create the same texture a modern quilter does with larger prints and brighter colors.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Tiki Beads Finish

Tiki Beads

This wall hanging laid in a pile with several others for many months. This is typical for me. The main design takes a lot of energy, and then I'm reluctant to put on the last touches. In my opinion, the binding can make or break the whole project. Sure, we can pick something that's just okay--middle-of-the-road choices happen to a lot of quilts, but a good one is harder to pick. Sometimes it is worth the wait. What do you think?

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Train Ride from Tokyo Finish

A Hand Quilted Finish

At this very moment I am covered by this same quilt, feet up, and lap top engaged. My cup of coffee is within reach. I've worked a year to make it, and yet it gets used so casually. I wonder if I'd feel this way if I wasn't the maker. But I want to know how a quilt feels and wears with use. I like to record which batting I used, and there is a significant difference in the drape and warmth. There truly are battings better suited for different seasons, and may be too warm for summer so I'm enjoying now.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

3 More One Patch Designs & Luminescence

Last Week's Layouts
 A First for Me: All Solids

Something that brings me great pleasure is working in the quilt room laying out comforters and quilts for charity. I've been very interested in different color schemes lately, and how colors interact with another. One color laid next to another will appear to change either lighter or darker. Maybe a dot or figure in it will be drawn out more. A good way to illustrate this is with the top and bottom layouts here.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Quilting Limbo:Finishes, Frolic & Free Thinking

It's been nearly one week since my last post. I've made 2 quilts from scratch, and finished 3 or more UFO's. 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Vintage Look Flying Geese Quilt Finish

A Friday Finish To Show On Sunday

Last week was very productive here. Keester up-- head down. Work hard, and try to keep from getting distracted. I had some long time WIP's, UFO's, etc., which I gritted my teeth and tackled. I'll show those later, but as a treat for cleaning off the shelf I also did some long arming.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Vintage Inspired Nine Patch Charity Quilt

Vintage Inspired Nine Patch

Laying out a one patch design such as this with 5" squares is greatly aided by knowing where the middle of the wall is, and working outward. (I will learn!) Instead, I tend to start with the left side working across through the middle. Don't laugh, but stooping down a lot is hard as we enter middle age, but so is climbing up and down the ladder this required. By the end, it filled the whole wall, and the top row had to lop over to stay put. I was up and down dozens of times before it was done.

This is a copy of a quilt I wrote about in "More One Patch Designs for Charity Quilts." I laid it out for a MCC comforter to be sewn by the many volunteers that work at the Connections Thrift Shop.

Monday, March 20, 2017

More One Patch Designs for Charity Quilts

Queen's Cross

I never board an airplane without my trusty composition books, and sharp pencils. While dear husband snoozes away, I dream up quilt patterns. Lately it's been all one patch designs, and this the most recent. 

*Yoohoo! And to alert you all how to find these designs, check out the new areas of Pink Doxies' header. I've been adding quilts and clickable links to each, and some new sections such as Charity Quilt Layouts and Links on the lower right end. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Open Studio Day: Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop & Giveaways

Welcome to another stop on the QQQ 2017 Blog Hop filled with lots of goodies and giveawaysMarian at Seams to Be Sew organized this hop to be timely with International Quilting Day, and to me that means community in quilting. Spreading the joy that quilting brings to you with others locally, nationally, and internationally. A long list of sponsors is sharing their love with fabulous giveaways, but first let me share how I've embraced the concept.

One Day a Month I Share My Studio Space

Looking at this picture really brings a smile to my face. This was Open Studio Day here, and we honestly have so much fun no matter who turns up! Today we had my mom (front right), and mother-in-law (middle front) join our group, too. We celebrated Mom's birthday with cupcakes, learned SLQ, pinned a charity quilt in the long arm with group effort, and drank a pot of coffee. The sun shone in through the windows, and the laughter was steady. It was the warmest, fuzziest feeling you could get!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Discussion About Walking Foot Quilting

Practice Piece On An Orphan Block

Life in a small town can get very busy, and pulls me in harder than I'd like sometimes. The balance between quilting & blogging, and taking care of the every day things is tough. One thing I've found that helps me is having an online Craftsy class to watch in my spare minutes. We all have those dead minutes we're waiting for something, and this keeps my brain engaged about quilting even if life prevents me from actually doing it. I download lessons to my iPhone, and they're ready when I am.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Jen & Jan's Mini Blog Hop QAL

The Little House On Daisy Street

I stumbled on Jan & Jen's QAL a few weeks ago, and though I said no more extra things for a while, this little house block spoke to me. It was so darn cute I said, "Count me in." From the first moment, I saw it in the 1930's reproduction prints on my shelf. I set to work, and it was a quick make, though my chimney found itself on the opposite side. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Happy Quilter's Mail & Mishmash

Happy Llama Mail

I love when Desi Arnez says, "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!" I think that's why I titled this post as mishmash. So many things to explain today.

Llamas: Our daughter keeps llamas. They are darling, cantankerous creatures! Everyone who meets them falls in love, though ours have some special needs. Sandra from mmm!quilts had the same experience, and when she found this enchanting llama fabric we were on her short list. Visit the link, and she will do the 'splainin' for me.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Quilt Designs: Fabs, Failures & Why

The Best of Three
Navy Nine Patch

Most people will tell you there is no such thing as an ugly quilt. Let me bite my lip and rephrase it. (Let's be honest. We know this down deep.) There is something redeeming in every quilt made, but not all quilts 'work.' Most of the time we feel it when we're putting things together, but we know it when it's assembled. A color, a pattern, a border width, etc., just don't make the cut. We have a couple of choices. Rip it out and fix it if it's valuable, or live with it and learn. I chose the second option this week.