Monday, July 23, 2018

Vintage Lone Star Baby Quilt

Vintage Lone Star Baby Quilt

A local friend who deals in antiques calls me when she has quilts. I'm so grateful! This time I went through the pile of quilts and tops in her shop, and asked what else was she hiding. "Uh, just this little one," she said. It was a 35" baby quilt in a Lone Star pattern, worn, soft, and sweet as could be. Oh, it was going home with me!

I asked as many questions as I could about where this quilt was from, who she got it from, etc. Dating and placing a quilt where it was made or used are one of the most interesting parts of quilt hunting for me. I always gather as much information as I can before I leave the buyer, and write it down. I only knew it was sourced locally, likely in Coshocton county, Ohio.

Back at home, I went over the quilt in good light to find out what I could about the fabrics, construction, and any other little secrets it had to tell. Everyone wants to know, "How old is this quilt?" These clues can tell us a lot.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

QST Second Chance Quilting Finish

Done Is Good.

First, some quick business to discuss. 

I've been "Out of the Office" or the summer equivalent of busier than you-know-what, and far removed from the Blogging World. We are a big family whose lives are very interwoven, and I've been needed elsewhere. Sorry to have abandoned you all, my bloggy and quilty friends, my email and comments. (Is this a form of ghosting? Trust me when I say I feel the guilt.) Summer duties spread us very thin. (Did I mention house guests for the next month?) But the leaves are starting to show signs of change already, the grass is drying, and talk of school starting came up last night. Summer has been a time warp!

Longarming a few minutes here and there has helped me whittle down my own WIP/UFO and PUPs. I've squeezed in a few customer quilts this summer, and have a line up coming next month. It feels good to help other quilters get caught up with their projects too. So, I may not be done with all of my own by the end of summer or even end of the year, but I'm committed to it. The downside is not having anything new and spectacular to show you as I work through old things. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

I'm Quilting as Fast as I Can!

Taking a Moment to Breathe

Yes, I know, I haven't been around much lately. I would say AWOL, but I've been making the best of these cool days, and marathon quilting. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, and when these are all bound will take some pictures of the whole quilts. This is all I have so it will have to do for now.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Quilter with Commitments

Yes, it's good.

Did you ever have to practice musical scales when all you wanted to do was play the new song? I feel a little like that with learning EQ8. I wasn't proficient with EQ7, and didn't get a lot out of the money I spent years ago. I think I believed that playing with the program would be enough to get it, and I was mistaken. I needed real lessons, and never got them. This time I prepared better, and bought the books. I'm roughly halfway through the Beginner Lessons, shout out to Anja, and this is definitely the way to go. I do not always feel like doing the lessons, but I am committed.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Things That Can Go Wrong Do


No, I did not cut a hole in my quilt or spill coffee on it.
Almost anything other than those things can be fixed. Almost.
I'll show you another screw-up I worked through.
(I should be famous for this kind of post by now.)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Yellow & Black Baby Quilt

A Baby Quilt to Donate

My scraps are like rabbits. They have had offspring, and are on at least a third litter by the looks of it. I decided to squeeze one baby quilt for charity out of the lot of them before sorting. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

As the Trip Around the World Turns

Scrappy Trip Around the World 

This class surprised me by all bringing in their quilt tops from the month before. I have a few proud quilters to show you. All tops were close, a few were together, and this one was even quilted! Big, bright, and beautiful!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hurricane Stars on the Long Arm

New Name to Be Announced Soon!

While summer officially blows in today with cooler air, I am still trying to beat the heat while working in my second story studio. The pale, blue setting triangles above are getting some free-handed, ferny feathers.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blogging Zen. Not.

 Quilt Art: A Zen Hangout

It was time to hang something significant at the top of the long stairway to my studio. I think this star is so enticing. Does it say, "Good things lie beyond this step?

Is Blogging Zen?

Those who fantasize about writing a blog may be erroneously led to believe the blogging process is a zen moment in the blogger's day. Said blogger sits in the early dawn with coffee, sleeping babies or dogs, and pours out accumulated wisdom to readers that await every post. (Insert sinister laughter.) Perhaps it is not so, say I. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Vintage Drunkard's Path Finish

Combining the Old with New

Summer has been quick ins and outs at the studio with many little changes that mean more space for opportunities to come. Hours have been spent sifting, reorganizing, and happily rediscovering lost items. I am still sticking to working through the Pile of Unloved Projects, and it's getting sooooo small that I nearly lost it the other day. Okay, not really, but it's no longer as big as a piece of furniture, and easy to misplace. That's pretty amazing to me! There is officially light at the end of the tunnel.

So how about this quilt story now?

Monday, June 4, 2018

Half Hexie Flimsy & Backing

Whirligig Half Hexies

Such an interesting perspective of hexies taken at an angle. You can see it's a flimsy already. This is a quick quilt.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Whirligig Half Hexie Quilt

Half Hexie Whirligig

In the last post, Stolen Moments for Stitch & Play, I was playing with my scraps. Play is good. I traded the scraps for more moderate fabrics, and in a short afternoon put together the lower half of this sweet quilt. It's slightly under 45" from edge to edge here, and with a border/background will flesh out to a nice baby or toddler quilt a little larger.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stolen Moments for Stitch & Play

Vintage Log Cabin...Again

I am still plugging away at this quilt. I have to be in a special frame of mind to work for long periods, but I've determined to finish it this summer. A little bit each day brings good progress, and maybe I'll have it done before I've had it a whole year.

When my husband needed to do some work far out in the country, I grabbed my project gear, and off we went. Cell phone service is good in town, but once you get into the hills around here it's hit or miss--mostly miss. I was the safety in case there was an accident. Poor me! I had to just sit there and quilt.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Kaleidoscope: Quilts at the Kentucky Museum

The Kentucky Sun Quilt

My husband and I made a whirlwind trip to the Kentucky Museum last weekend on the Western Kentucky University campus in Bowling Green, KY.  The Kaleidoscope exhibition opened earlier this year featuring 30 Kentucky quilts, and the first public viewing of the spectacular Kentucky Sun quilt. I had seen pictures of it before, but nothing could take the place of standing there in front of it. I was overwhelmed. This quilt was made nearly 140 years ago, and it was old yet so amazingly modern, and I couldn't stop staring. To put in in a chronological perspective, it was made 15 years after the Civil War ended in the time of Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, and the O.K. Corral. It's funny how it puts me in the mind of the western frontier, and I wonder if that had any influence.

The Kentucky Sun Quilt has a fascinating story behind it, and was on the cover of the Kentucky Quilt Project's publication. Read more about it through the link. The Kentucky Quilt Project was the first of all the quilt documentation projects in the U.S., and organized in 1981. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Mermaid Baby One Patch Finish

Mermaid's Song

Go and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the devil’s foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy’s stinging,
And find
What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.

~John Donne, 1613

Check out the rest of the poem, and a brief analysis at Interesting Literature. If you've heard bits of this without knowing the rest, it will make much more sense.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mermaid Baby One Patch Quilt

"Mermaids & Seahorses, Oh, My!"

Way back in January I ran a post called 27 Quilt Finishes in 2017. I spoke up for fewer commitments to free myself up. This has been good. I've really plowed through my Pile of Unloved Projects. I would say half are done. That gets a quiet little woohoo from me to myself. I'm staying on track with my goals. 

I also said, "Make what you love, and use what you have." So in the midst of pulling out fabric for my last class, Chain Piecing & Webbing, I happened upon this piece of mermaid fabric, and a bit of Mendocino seahorses. Not from the same designer or even stylized the same, but I still liked them together. Golly, I don't think any fabrics in this quilt came from the same company let alone designer, but the variety was interesting. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Chain Piecing & Webbing Class Available

Trips Around the World

By the end of last week I had several quilts finished, and more pulled out to resume. There has been a good deal of pushing this year to finish up the old, but I've also dropped a few new projects into the line up when I could. I had The Sewing Group coming to the studio Monday for a class on my unique method of chain piecing to webbing to accurate block construction, and we were using the Trips Around the World quilt to learn the process. Many of these quilters had never made a TAtW so we had a lot of ground to cover in a short time. 

Friday, May 11, 2018

A Veteran's Quilt Finish & Panto Problems

Ready for Delivery

There are two things to talk about today. One is obviously a finished quilt already in the hands of its new owner, but the second is a big failure that forced me to grow. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A Veteran's Quilt & Making Pantographs

Dave's Quilt

Several months ago I was asked to make a quilt for a friend of the family. We'll call him Dave. 
Dave's had two requests for his quilt. The first would have made the quilt non-washable so we scrapped it, but the second was for it to be big enough that his feet not hang out. Now that I could do!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Farmer's Wife 1930s: Blocks 3 & 4

The Farmer's Wife 1930's Block No. 4

If you go missing too long around here, people will ask, "Did you fall in?" And my reply today would be, "A little bit." Busy has new meaning. The grass is growing by the minute. Three college diplomas were earned in the past months by a few of our children. Two of those were just this week, and were master's degrees. I am a proud mama! Kids have moved in, moved out, and buying a real moving van would have been a great investment years ago. My role as a member of a large family is changing, and there are daily adjustments. No worries. It's all good, but different. As spring settles herself down to a manageable pace, I'll be more regulated, and my posts as well.  Your comment went unanswered, you say? My deepest apologies. Just bare with me until I can catch up. I'll dig my way out of the email pile, and I'll have lots of goodies to show you, too! I keep sewing to stay sane through the chaos.