Quilt Art: A Zen Hangout
It was time to hang something significant at the top of the long stairway to my studio. I think this star is so enticing. Does it say, "Good things lie beyond this step?
Is Blogging Zen?
Those who fantasize about writing a blog may be erroneously led to believe the blogging process is a zen moment in the blogger's day. Said blogger sits in the early dawn with coffee, sleeping babies or dogs, and pours out accumulated wisdom to readers that await every post. (Insert sinister laughter.) Perhaps it is not so, say I.
Blogging has few real zen moments. Your platform or host may change or crash overnight. The Blogger platform has developed serious hiccups while conforming to the new privacy laws,and made answering comments a nightmare. Your computer may croak unexpectedly. Mine did last week with zero warning. The unexpected cost coupled with finding the correct laptop for my needs was excruciatingly painful. And when it arrived, like any new hardware or software, it had a learning curve--giant, curling curves, and lots of aggravation. We like things the way they were.
Thank heaven for the younger generation that can administer technology advice, and curb the headaches and bruises. My pain level has gone from a 9 to about a 4 today, but we haven't recovered any of the files left on the dead laptop yet. Surgery required.
195 Deluxe
Old Is Good
While we wait, let me show you my latest acquisition. I did not go into the little shop with the idea of looking for another sewing machine. I've lost count of how many rescues I have, but let's say I didn't need another. But this spiffy, little gal just shone, sparkled, and winked at me as I walked by. Twice. And, yes, she ran like a top, too. Weighing just short of a ton, it was ironic the 195's were marketed as portable. But there is a lovely carrying case with handle intact, and everything on the machine and case in original condition. Priced at dinner for two to boot.
The 195's are hard-working, Japanese remakes (and often with better features) of American models, and it's probably a mid 1950's to 1960's make. These machines were made without a label so a store could add their own. This one has a sticker over the place a hole was left to put one, and says, "Goodhousekeeper". I guess that's me with the browning flowers in the background.
Can you see how similar the face plate is to the newer featherweights? She's charming, and almost like new. Who would guess she could sew through 4 layers of jeans or leather? Just make sure there's a proper needle for the weight you're sewing. This machine is ready for a making a proper hand bag or satchel.
Rather than sewing I've been spending my days mowing, gardening, and getting dirty. The scenery is wonderful, and the wildlife prolific. I've had eagles overhead several times, and we now have an osprey nearby that visits. The swallows dive back and forth in front of the mower after insects I scare up while mowing, and it's quite an experience. I find it meditative.
Zen Ohio
We are almost to the summer solstice. The light will start turning again so it's time to fill our inner wells. Be inspired. Look for life. The blogging world is very quiet as I listen. Perhaps this is a natural break. I don't know, but a little blog vacation for many for sure. Enjoy your summer holidays, and see you in a few days with more quilty adventures.
Now back to figuring out this Zen Book. Yes, it is actually called that. I wonder why.
Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.
Linking up with~
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Let's Bee Social
Esther's WOW
Off the Wall Friday
Linking up with~
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Let's Bee Social
Esther's WOW
Off the Wall Friday

What a lovely quilt! Oh my that machine is a beauty I can never find one cheap anywhere but I guess one day I’ll find one just got to keep looking. It is quiet on the blogging home front, it will pick back up in Sept. always does. The comment thing is driving me nuts, if you figure it out please let me know. Comlisajohnson@gmail.com
Great quilt for the space! I would have rescued that beauty also. I still don't have a blue or pink one. Bloggers driving me crazy. I can't connect with my quilting community very well and that is important to me. Still waiting for my daughter's baby and the call.
That spot looks perfect for your lovely quilt! It must put a smile on your face every time you pass by! Grrr. Blog and computer problems. Mine right now is the plethora of spam. Gah, I really dislike seeing all that spam showing up when I just want to write a little quilty post. Have fun stitching away on your cute 195 Deluxe!
Love the idea of a quilt at the top of the stairs and that one is so striking! I often wish there was more room on my walls for hanging quilts. It's very inspiring! And yes, I think once summer and summer events start happening, quilting blogs always slow down. I am so sorry for your computer issues. It's quite overwhelming to have to start fresh.
I've had comment moderation forever, but it doesn't help solve Blogger's current nightmare. Judging from the drastic drop in blog post readership and postings, I think many quilters would rather concentrate on their quilting and gardening rather than dealing with the mess. Maybe they'll have the issue fixed by the fall harvest? We can only hope.
OOO! I have a machine similar to that, with the tension gauge on the left side that way. It sews like an absolute dream. Mine's not as pretty as yours! I know you'll enjoy it. I've read about the blogger issues, which appear to be design, not defect. Shame, because I really enjoy reading the quilty blogs!
The quilt at the top of the stairs is perfect. I, too, would have been tempted by that blue machine.I never saw one in that color. Enjoy it!
Perfect spot for that lovely quilt. Your meditate thoughts are soothing in the midst of madness!
I love this post. I have been experiencing the same feeling about soaking in the light while it's still here. Hope all works out well in the computer front and I share the frustration of blogger at the moment.
Gosh that quilt just draws you up the stairs, it's wonderful and seems perfect for the spot. Great looking machine, I love that you equated it's cost to dinner for 2. Wow, that's a wonderful way of looking at cost for our toys. It really puts into perspective.
You've got your zen going with that quilt - perfect spot. You can smile each time you walk up the stairs!!!
That quilt is perfect for the top of the stairs. It says "Welcome" and "A Quilter Works Here." Great pics of the geese and countryside.
The quilt at the top of the stairs is beautiful. It makes you wonder what other wonderful thing you will find when you reach the top. OMGOSH the sewing machine is a treasure. In my elder age I ask myself why I didn't keep the two sewing machines that I cast aside for newer models. It's pretty good to be sewing for more than 50 years and to have kept my friends for such a long time. Okay, one I gave to my daughter and it still has a lot of life. Now I have two faithful machines that I will keep forever and steer clear of those sales that advertise grandma's machine in Estate Sales. Your's is a superb find!!
You must live near a river to be seeing Eagles. They have started to come back to our area along the St. Joseph River in Indiana. It's always a thrill to see one.
xx, Carol
yes it says Zen. Lovely and lovely spot for it!
I love your rescue machine - such a beauty! It would be a shame to leave it moldering on a shelf in a second-hand store where no one appreciates it. And yes, I feel your pain about blogging - my current nemesis is Thursday evenings, when I'm trying to write my Whoop Whoop post, and have to make both Linkytools and GIPHY work - and stay awake at the same time! It's not easy, but it's worth it. PS Your stair quilt is amazing! Very welcoming...
The blogging world may be quiet because of all the nonsense going on with trying to respond to replies! LOL What a sweet machine to add to your umm, collection. LOVE the star at the top of your stairs! sandralpanagos @ gmail
You have a way with words that brings me into your life - the joys and the struggles. A great piece.
Beautiful photos of your world. I remember living where Canada geese flew. What joy!
The quilt looks perfect at the top of those steps, a bright spot of color at the end. I agree blogging isn't Zen, but sitting at the machine chain pieces multiple projects is. I really have a love hate relationship with the technology that is my computer. I have learned that regular backups on a solid state drive make the whole recovery process much less painful. Well it would be if I'd remember to do it regularly. I usually remember when I'm trying to get the computer to restart for the 5th time, madly wondering when was the last back up. Happy stitching this week. May you find many Zen moments.
That quilt looks great at the top of the steps. You have a lovely outdoor space and I am glad that you are enjoying it. We too have had birds and squirrels in our little rectangle and except for the last couple of hot days have been enjoying them.
I so do love your zen quilt photo. It really does lead the eye to the promise of things to come. Good things? Mysterious things? Calm things? Scary things? Who knows. Well not scary. A quilt like that could never lead to scary things.
I love to blog, I love to write, but my laptop frustrates me soooo much. It parts company from its wireless internet all the time for no logical reason. Or no reason the non techy me can fathom.
I think blogging is a great way to share but I agree it can be a rabbit hole of frustration and time better spent sewing. I read a lot of good reviews about wordpress before I started blogging, that's why I chose it and it works pretty well for me. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF this week.
The quilt looks great at the top of the stairs. Sorry to hear about the laptop. I feel your pains somewhat. My new laptop at work has Windows 10 -- I am not enjoying the learning curve. Have fun with the new machine.
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