An Easy Method to an Accurate Drunkard's Path Block
1 Drunkard's Path Block
Let's start by setting the record straight. The single block above is called Drunkard's Path. Several of these blocks can be assembled into a larger block then called by another name, or to be more confusing, Drunkard's Path.
From left to right starting at the top:
Row 1: Dots, Drunkard's Path, Drunkard's Path Variation, Drunkard's Pinwheel
Row 2: Baseball, Steeplechase, Millwheel, Peace Dove
Row 3: Cleopatra's Puzzle, Around the World, Dove, Over the Bridge
Row 4: Indiana Puzzle, Falling Timbers, Fool's Puzzle, Around the World (not an error, but a second with the same name)
I've done curved piecing in the past, and it's doable in larger pieces. These individual pieces would finish at 2.5", and I just couldn't do it. I had to come up with a method that worked for me, was accurate, and didn't involve inset piecing.