Saturday, January 13, 2018

Churn Dash Baby Quilt II

Churn Dash II

I had some minor problems with the points when I made the first Churn Dash baby quilt. Check it out along with the book I'm working from in A Two Quilt Tuesday. I needed one more quilt in similar colors so I made another one.

This time I starched the squares before making the large HST, and was very careful while squaring up and trimming them. Once again, it was problematic piecing the giant nine patch. Goodness, you think I would have stopped, ripped, squared the other pieces, and then sewed it together. But, No, I just plowed on. The points aren't cut off as bad as the picture shows above, but one or two will be. I think I need a third try to work this out.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Two Quilt Tuesday

Cabin Under the Stars: Quilt No. 1

Yesterday was Monday, and it felt like a typical Monday for me in spite of the ice and snow storm. I am a self-proclaimed Monday Lover because it is the day of new starts, and I get so much done!

Starting mid-morning, I had all but a couple of these stars done before I went home for lunch. By 2:00 that afternoon, this sweet thing was sewn together. 

Some little details: The fabric is beach-themed. Swimmers, sling chairs, umbrellas, flamingos, and so one. I'll show you more when I quilt it, but this piece has been fun to work with.

The fabric wasn't pre-washed. That's really unusual for me, but I bought it on vacation, and set right to sewing. I didn't notice any difference in working with it, but it's not something I would do normally. All the other fabric in my studio is pre-washed so I chose not to mix them. 

The finished top is just under 40" x 40". 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Cabin Under the Stars Quilt

I'm Back to Sewing &
Oh, Baby, It Feels So Good!

My urge to sew finally returned. (Did you ever wonder about me? I did.) It came back with clear, strong intentions. 

Make what you love. Use what you have. Listen more. Talk less.

I can't say these are resolutions or even goals really. Simply put, they are intentions.  I want to live like this right now--not when I figure it out or jump through impossible hoops. Resolutions have such high expectations, and great chance of failure. Without success, we give up and quit. My daughter termed that kind of resolution-centered thinking as, "New Year--New Me." No, that's never worked for me or the other 92% of people who tried it.

This positive idea of living with intention has more to do with envisioning the kind of life I want to live. It has so much to do with my recent purging and clearing, as you might guess.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Holiday Slow Down & Time to Think

My Favorite Quilt
 (At this Moment)

It's been 10 days or so since I've blogged. I finished that post, shut my computer down, and pretty much unplugged for the holidays. Why, you ask? Well, you know those people who think the holidays are the best time ever, and love to shop, wrap presents and bake cookies? Who wait for the first snowflake with hot chocolate in hand and furry hat on head? Yeah, I'm not one of them. I'm the Grinchy, bah humbug person who was told she was ruining Christmas for everyone else this year, and to please shape up. 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Quilting the Vintage Log Cabin

Hand Quilting a Vintage Log Cabin Quilt

It's December, and everywhere I go I hear coughing. Deep, gripping coughing. There's a rotten cold going around our area, and I'm two and a half weeks into it. I did my duty of self-care, and canceled the monthly sewing group. I rested, t.v. binged, and quilted. Still, a dry cough just hangs on. This one is a doozy.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Modern Freefall Quilt Finish

 Freefall Finish

The days have been gentle, and almost slow around here despite Christmas approaching. The major purge is over, and it's become more of a daily maintenance to keep things fresh. There are still small spaces that call for attention, but nothing is screaming. With this steadiness, it is easier to let go. I know they are just things--baggage holding me back from better things to come. I have control of them. Not the other way around anymore. I choose a few spaces each day to stay committed, but I'm back to quilting with new vigor. It's hard to explain how settled I feel, but let's just say it's a cross between relief and curious amazement. It's new found balance I didn't expect.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Goodies of Quilting & Purging

Lone Star Beauty

One of many red quilts currently on display at the 
Southeast Ohio History Center in Athens, Ohio

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Stitch & Purge

Meditative Stitching

You can see the middle stitching is done, I think, unless I add to the blue block in the lower right corner. I'm undecided yet. The border is slower going as it's working the edge, and I am enjoying it immensely. There is no rush. This is the work that helps me unwind, and release the cloudy energy from the day's work. You may know I have been purging our home these past many weeks, and clearing stirs up our emotions and thoughts. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Post Thanksgiving Catch Up

Thanksgiving, 2017

Thanksgiving came and went uneventfully. In our busy lives, this is a good sign. We had 13 people this year, and it was simplified. Everyday plates were good enough, and I left the plastic over the tablecloths. The shadow person you see is one son bringing the turkey in cooked and carved! Woohoo! Lucky us!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Quilt Beginnings, Endings & In Between: Without a List

One Sweet Baby Quilt Ready to Deliver

Week 2 with No List

Welcome back to another weekly narrative of living/working without a list. I've gained unexpected insight while purging the house of too much stuff, and am eager to share it with you. I keep hearing in the comments how many of you are on the same journey, and feel I'm in good company.