Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vintage Slow Stitching

The Luxury of a Slow Stitching Project

An upcoming long weekend away had me nervous for lack of a project to take along. I improvisationally pieced some simple log cabin blocks the night before. Though the project was started at the 11th hour, the idea had been brewing the whole week long. Something simple. Something graphic. Something old.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Round Robin Final Border and a Round Robin Link Up

Cindy's Block from Stitchin At Home

It's the final round for our Round Robin, and I think it's spectacular to see all 4 finishes. 

Cindy did the original center, and it arrived to Sandra at MMM! Quilts. Sandra added the surrounding border, and mailed it to Tish at Tish's Adentures in Wonderland. Tish mailed it to me, and I thought, "How in the world will I do this?" I wasn't alone. I think we all had a superb exercise in design!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

#BraveQuilter for September Is OPEN!

Slow Stitch Project

This week has been a push every day. I've been sticking to a list of things that need to be done, and it's been working. Staying on track can be hard when there are so many distractions, especially when you're surrounded by tempting fabrics. But we have a weekend break coming, and I had nothing portable to take and stitch. I kept thinking of these beautiful blue cottons I'd recently dyed, and my growing stash of feed sacks. Throw in some vintage buttons, and it just seemed to feel good together.

Monday, August 29, 2016

What I Did Last Summer

Pinned and ready for many glorious 
evenings of hand quilting!

Summer's Accomplishments

I feel like I've spent my summer as a true holiday. Not R&R, but catching up. There are still many things on the long list, but we've powered through some Herculean tasks. Tree removal from the Emerald Ash Bore--6 mature trees, house and property restoration, and so on. Nothing that was neat and tidy, and it all spilled over onto the rest of lives. Piles of things in the house were designated by project, and that was disruptive in itself. I'm happy to report the chaos is about 80% contained now.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Deconstructed Screen Print on Fabric Finish

14" x 16.5"

This piece was created using a deconstructed silk screen process with Procion MX dyes, and Kona cotton. It is color fast. It was stitched by hand with a variety of Prescencia cotton thread, which has a subtle sheen. The backing and binding are also made with hand dyed Kona cotton here in my studio. It is available for sale for $140. A hanging sleeve will be added at the purchaser's request, and in their preference of orientation.

Shipping in the Continental U.S. is included. Contact information is below.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hunting Down and Caring for Vintage Textiles

"Button, button. Who's got the button?"

Did you play this game as a child? I did. I also passed many hours sifting through my mother's, grandmother's, and even great-grandmother's button tins. Mind you, most were not new. They had previously lives on garments worn years, and maybe the century before my hands touched them. Many were nicked and scarred, but still had usefulness left in them, so they were removed in the hope they could be reused. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pink Doxies Is Having Technical Issues

Computer Failure
My apologies for abandoning you this month. Just as I was ready to get back to work, my new computer died. I will return to blogging ASAP, but until then find me on Instagram as PINKDOXIES or Pink Doxies on Facebook. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Felted Wool, Hand Stitching, & New Books

Felting Wool

This week started on the low side. Logic says one shouldn't get sick in the heat of summer, but I did, and then throw a nasty yellow jacket encounter on top of that. It's hard to determine what made me sicker, but I'm on the mend. Life happens. It meant quick trips over to my studio looking for little projects to keep me going while binge watching Downton Abbey, but mainly the Doxie girls and I snoozed through our week. (Yeah, they loved it.)

Monday, August 8, 2016

New Ideas to Finish Whole Cloth Prints

Whole Cloth Prints

The stack of prints I made from deconstructed silk screening was perfect for some experimental stitching, quilting, and beading. Most things I'd seen had little or no stitching, and so I had few examples to compare what might be ideal. Once again, I found myself exploring new territory. (I like that!) I made myself a rule:

When the print itself carries so much interest, the addition of any ornamentation needs to add to it without competing. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Mini Round Robin: Round 3

Our Round Robin Continues

This project among friends has given me a chance to to work out of my comfort zone--something I encourage everyone to do. It's a little intimidating receiving a block where you truly believe you will have a hard time following the person who pieced just before you. It's caused me to do some research into Round Robins, and I'll share what I've learned today.

But first, this is my block for the month started by Sandra of mmm! quilts, who began with the house motif, white background, and batik stripes. Tish of Tish's Adventures in Wonderland add the spinning stars border, and three cheers to her for accurate piecing because I had to sew against all those star points. She's good! (Cindy of Stichin At Home is the fourth participant, but she will be adding the last round to this block.)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Using Hot Glue Stencils On Fabric: Possibilities

Test Papers Using the First Samples

Are you ready to see a real application to all this madness? Good. I'm ready to show you. But first, let's talk about this technique. These are stencils made from using a hot glue gun, and common glue sticks. It's so easy that nearly anyone can do it. It works with both high and low temperature glue guns so even kids can use it with adult supervision.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

When Difficult Quilts Happen to Determined People

The Best Part So Far 

Just in case you're asking yourself why on Earth I would make this my opening photo, it's because it's the best part of the quilt at this point. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Minis: Quilts and Disciplined Progress In the Studio

"I spy with my little eye--a flounder, a whale tail, porpoises, kelp,..."

Behind all the fun I am having in the studio, I am working toward a big goal. This goal has a deadline, and I should have begun earlier. Even starting at the last hour I calculated that I could make it, but frankly, it's kicking my keester. (Can I say that here?) I have become very disciplined at showing up in the studio, systematically working through problems, and making good progress. Will I make the deadline? I don't know, but I will work until the end to try.

Monday, July 18, 2016

How and Why to Make Dye Test Swatches

Accurate Record Keeping
Is Important

Whether you dye or quilt or paint, keeping track of materials is a very important issue for us all. I know quilters who snap a picture of stack of fabrics they purchase to remember what they got. How about noting on the receipt the special fabrics and amounts, and snapping a shot of that? You will not only know how much you have of a certain fabric, but also what you paid for it. This is helpful if you are making a custom quilt for someone, and want to be sure you're recouping your costs.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Printing with a Gelli Plate

Prints from a Gel Printing Plate
from Gelli Arts

These paper prints were some of the very first pulls I took from a new gel plate. For someone without any background in acrylics or painting, it was a very exciting moment in the studio. My whole world stopped until I could watch and read nearly everything out there about gel printing, and get more background on acrylics. I could see the potential to change the way I was approaching surface decoration.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Secret Surprise Happy Mail

Delightful, Happy Mail
from Sandra at 

Nearly a month ago, I received a surprise package in the mail. There was a whole bundle of goodies, and as I opened it I was trying to think why someone had sent me this--from Ireland, to boot! All the while, I was tickled pink by the surprise! My mind slowly went back months to maybe a year before when I had had traded emails with another blogger about being part of an exchange of sorts. In order to be a part of it, I just had to agree to send one or more forward. There were no hard rules, nor a set timeline. (Oh, I liked that part!) So, I did agree, and then forgot about it until this lovely package turned up.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Using Inks and Paints Not Labelled Safe for Fabrics

Green, Green Ohio!
The lilies are about to bloom. 
Can you see all the different
shades of green?

While heading toward the middle of July here in Ohio, the rain is soaking us less often. Yards might have a bit of browning, but for the most part it is still very green. I think it's natural for our surroundings to influence our work, and sure enough, I mixed up some grass green printing ink for a project.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Embellished Deconstructed Screen Print

'A Royal Afternoon'

This 11" x 29" art quilt has been in progress several weeks. 

It was very difficult to figure out what it needed, and I put in hours of stitching that I later ripped out. I'm glad I persisted, though, because in the end I'm happy with the piece.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

#BraveQuilter Winner for June

Low Immersion Dyed FQ's

These 2 fat quarters are packed and ready for the June winner of #BraveQuilter. The Random Number Generator said #2, so...

Monday, July 4, 2016

My Bee Hive Block Collection from May

Chainlink: A block from the Bee Hive
at Blossom Heart Quilts

May was my month to be the queen bee for my bee hive. I have written before about my brand new experience of joining a bee where blocks are exchanged each month. Twelve participants each have a month, take their turn at determining which block they would like made for them, the colors, and some other determining factors.