Saturday, August 22, 2020

Photo Roll of Longarm Quilting by Julie Stocker

Quilts, Quilts, Quilts and More Quilts!

One evening as I sat contently reading a book, yes, about quilting, my husband turned to me and asked, "Don't you ever get tired of quilting?" I didn't think that deserved a reply other than the look I gave, but I did think about it for a few days. I never tire of the world of quilts. I love it, and I love what I do. I like old, torn, well-used quilts as well as crisp new ones. I love simple designs as well as complex, and all the technical jibber-jabber as much as talking about my favorite new fabric lines. How does one get sucked in this deeply? Again, a rhetorical question which should not be considered too deeply. I just accept that quilts chose me, and not the other way around. 

Enjoy the montage. Owners/makers and some information may be listed as I remember, but this is all for your eyes more than your brains. This work started sometime in late June, and doesn't include everything I've done. I've been busy, but very happy as my husband will attest to.

Monday, August 17, 2020

How to Tie Comforters on Antique Quilt Frames

How to Use Vintage & Antique Quilt Frames to Finish Quilt Tops

Before I go further, I need to tell you the story behind this quilt. The center blocks were given to a friend of mine by a quilter who had to move to a care center. The original quilter is now 98. The quilter who received the blocks is a young 84. She carefully sifted through the leftover fabric stash sent along with several partial tops, and finished this design. She brought it our comforter frolic, and our small group tied it. Back home for binding, and then with some luck, the original maker will have a chance to see it finished, and ready for donation to MCC (Mennonite Christian Committee). Doesn't that just warm your heart? I love this scrappy, vintage-inspired design so much I may have to remake it for one of my own!

Now let's talk about the how-to stuff you need to know! I chuckled earlier this year when I read how a family had to teach their children to use a land line phone during the early Covid days. Today we're going to investigate quilt frames from the past century or so. Think of it as another form of 'quilt technology', and much the same story!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Freemotion Quilting Butterflies by Edyta Sitar

Happy Blogiversary to Pink Doxies!

Six years of color-filled posts shared with friends and family, laughter, tears, and lots and lots of love! Thank you all for being part of my world, and letting me into yours. I am truly blessed!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Combining Freemotion and Digital Design on Wool Applique Quilt

Wool Applique Quilt 
Made by Rita Darr

There are very few constants in my quilting business, and I think that's why it holds my attention so well. I love novelty! I see everything from one block charity quilts to intricate paper piecing. When this beautiful wool applique quilt found its way to me, I was intrigued. I'd done cotton applique before several times, but never wool. So I did my research, took my time to think about what would work, and practiced on paper. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Judy Neimeyer Prismatic Star Finish

Prismatic Star

Judy Neimeyer quilts are iconic within the quilt world as complicated rights of passage into the upper tiers of experienced piecers. But like every new pattern we attempt, our first shot might not go as well as we wish. Learning is not always linear. That doesn't mean the quilt top is terrible, but that we would have a leg up the next time.  So what happens when we finish, and there is a little puffiness here and there, or a slightly wonky, wavy border, or the many other construction swamps we get bogged down in? It happens to me. It happens to you. But what can you do about it when it comes to quilting?

First, be honest with your long arm quilter, and have faith that, yes, some of it can be concealed with quilting.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Modern Heart Quilt & Bluprint

Piece & Love Solids Day Dream Quilt

I was saddened by the recent news that Bluprint would be closing in the near future. I was pleased with, and well served by the Craftsy company that later became Bluprint. In the past years, they offered a way for indie, or independent designers, to get their foot in the door by selling patterns through the platform. I watched some of these quilters rise up to greater renown within the community, and it was exciting. Retail stores compete with online quilting supply websites, and some are happy to see Bluprint go. But I worry that with our unstable economy in the light of COVID-19, and the number of companies filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, is this a sign of things to come for our smaller stores? Many have been in decline, and the number of closures over the past decade is alarming. I'm not sure I want to foresee that future.

Surely thinking about all this spurred me to dig out a kit I'd purchased this winter from Bluprint. The Piece & Love Solids Day Dream kit by Cloth Parcel was bought with the notion it would be a quick make. It was, but I will be very honest with you--I was not happy with the pattern. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Crosshatch Longarming a Wholecloth Quilt

Crosshatching Demystified

Laugh yourself silly, but I often find myself daydreaming about random things to do with quilting. Or in the wee hours of the evening, drifting to sleep, it hits me. Oh, where did that thought come from? But thinking things is a different animal than doing things, and often those worlds don't connect. Imagine when they do. 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Ideas for Working with Donated Quilt Blocks

Special Post from the North

Early last winter I received a mysterious package from north of our border. I recognized the addressee, a quilty blogger friend, Karen, from KaHolly. She had sent quilt tops in the past to be used in the Gnadenhutten Quilt Project, and those quilts were donated to a local shelter for families experiencing domestic violence.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Quilt for a Hard Rocker Finish

Quilt for a Hard Rocker

Done. I love that word right now. Along with the constant stream of customer quilts, I'm plugging away at ones I've promised to family. So with little fuss, here is today's finish sans tag, which will be added.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Custom Quilting Creative Borders

AKA When Things Don't Go As Planned

I never start a long arm quilting job without having a planning session with the maker, client, or client who is also a friend. Sometimes we talk on the phone, and other times in person. But this quilt and another were dropped off ahead of our meeting, and I had time to live with them. In the very beginning, this maker/client/friend thought this quilt should be custom or semi-custom quilted. I was on board with something a little more special. It had grown on me.