Monday, October 24, 2016

How to Talk to Your Longarmer & Eerie Nights Hop

"Quilt it however you decide."

Those are five words that stop me in my tracks as a longarm quilter. It's like telling your beautician or barber to cut off as much of your hair as they choose. How much is too much?

I will tell you it is often just as hard for a longarm quilter to make a decision about the quilting as it is yourself. Being able to share some ideas--even if they are what you don't want, will go a long way toward a good plan. It is likely you have some kind of idea about what you think your quilt needs or what you value most in fine quilting. Do not be afraid to tell your longarm quilter your thoughts.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Finished Mini Round Robin

2016 Mini Round Robin

Quilted and bound, but label-less. 
Finished, but technically not done.

Regardless of the fine points, this project is off the WIP list. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Halloween Quilt & Eerie Nights Blog Hop

No, you're not lost! 
I'm working out of my comfort zone, 
and trying a more traditional design.

I have to chuckle to myself because I have succumbed to quilter's peer pressure. At last weekend's retreat, I watched as my friends picked up fabric in the stores. Not just what they bought, but what they needed to touch. It was not necessarily what I would have chosen, or in my color palette or style. I normally choose brighter hues, and silky smooth fabrics like Art Gallery and Michael Miller solids are glorious to me. But I saw fingers touching wovens, flannels, and fabric printed to resemble burlap. (Burlap=chills!, and I am allergic to all jute products.) Texture is a big deal for me, and I started wondering if I avoided more traditional fabrics because I associated them with certain textures.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hosting QBIR: A Quilter Bloggers' Retreat

Quilter Bloggers' International Retreat

This past weekend I was honored to host the first QBIR in my studio. We all snickered to say it was international, but we had indeed included Canada. From my perspective, it was a smooth, successful weekend. Visit the blogs of the attendees (links at the end) to get their own take, but I thought I would give you my insight as to what it took to orchestrate the event. My hope is by sharing this that more people will consider it an option for themselves.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

#BraveQuilter Winner for September & October Link Up OPEN

Welcome back to the #BraveQuilter link party!

Although anyone is welcome to link up, four quilters completed the challenge for September, linking up at both the beginning and end of the month. 

Using a random number generator, Angie at A Quilting Reader's Garden was chosen. She will receive a custom dyed bundle of fabric made here in my studio, and the "Be Brave" cup up above. Congratulations, Angie, and cheers to everyone who joined the challenge!

And now it's time to open 
the October link party!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

September #BraveQuilter Wrap Up Linky is OPEN!

 Happy October! 

We can finally feel a little chill in the air, and morning comes later. Around here farmers are quick to harvest corn and beans during dry spells since fall rains have moved in. One nasty storm days ago knocked out our internet/cable so I have had to improvise this week wherever I could find a connection. We are in line to be restored when they get to us, but no promises. (And now you know the rest of the story. A part of me is actually enjoying the time of being unconnected for a few days, but my apologies for the #BraveQuilter party.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Secret Sewing Becomes Secret Quilting

Can You See the Loose Threads?

Obviously, I could not before I took the picture or I would have removed them. They were from the first round of stitching that I did in the morning, and ripped out in the afternoon. I've had a lot of indecisiveness while designing this project.

Can I say up front that I don't do well with this Secret Sewing concept? I'd love to show you more, but the Hop isn't until January. If you're going to the Fall Market, this piece will be there. I've let a few dear friends see what I was involved with, but other than that I've been mum. This is the first quilt I've made entirely out of batiks so let me pass on a few things I've encountered.

Friday, September 16, 2016

2 A.M. Stitching Tips & Secret Sewing

Tickling the Ivories 
Quilting the Piano Key Border

Have you ever taken in so much in just one day you felt like a different person when you fell into bed? I had one Aha Moment after the next yesterday, and was so geared up I could barely eat supper. Seriously, me not eat? You can read about my first experience batiking with a tjap over on "One More Thing Before I Dye." Not eating meant I woke up starving at 2 A.M., and I quilted the next 2 hours until the family started getting up for work.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Announcing "One More Thing Before I Dye"

Divide and Conquer
the Fog

Pink Doxies has been a mysterious blog lately. I've been asking myself, "Am I a quilter blogger or an art blogger?" The answer was confusing. It's seems I'm both. This blog will remain Pink Doxies, and be devoted to the original concept of creating colorful, original quilts and sewing, and the new sister blog to my growing artistic passion. I think I can explain it best by redirecting you to One More Thing Before I Dye.

I would love to have you pop in for a moment, and say hello!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Fall Quilts, Wool, and Wool Dyeing In the Microwave


Summer has unofficially become fall here, though the calendar says it's still over a week away. It's 54 F this morning, and I'll have a cool studio today. I confess that sweltering heat does not bring out my creativity, and also that I've taken a little hiatus while coming to terms with my art and craft. Both points have made it more difficult to return to the studio daily, though I'm in and out. It's not an excuse, and there's no reason for me to apologize. It just is. You know, I'm finding that makes more sense to me recently.