Friday, April 22, 2016

Three Naked Ladies Blooming In the Moonlight

Three Naked Ladies

In my early years as a gardener, I was a plant hound. If I knew a house was to be torn down, I would ask to go in first, and dig out all the useful plants I could haul. Sometime in my scavenging I brought home some tag-a-longs. Several belladonna lily bulbs were planted along with daffodils, and it wasn't until nearly a year later when most of summer blooms were over that they magically popped up at the edge of the woods. Beautiful, pale pink flowers on leafless stems, hence the name, Naked Ladies!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Original Project Using "Soft & Cozy Keepsakes: Faux Rag Quilting" Technique

My original project made using Margo Yang's 
faux rag quilting technique from her new book--

Monday, April 18, 2016

Best New Quilting Book and Favorite Fabrics

The best way to choose variegated thread 
is to unroll a bit across your fabric. 

Is the color change subtle or sudden? 
These Sulkys are gorgeous on Schott cottons! 

Today's title should have hooked you: books and fabric. Isn't that like chocolate and peanut butter? But maybe you don't like chocolate? So it is with suggesting any book or fabric. This is my taste, and what works for me at this moment.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Taste the Colors!

Spontaneous Kisses

For lack of a better name, let me use that today. Hopefully you'll see where it's going as the piece progresses. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dyeing Techniques: Shibori

Shibori Techniques

This was one weekend I was grateful for poor weather. Having an excuse to not go out meant I could play for hours on end, and so I did. I've been planning to try out some dyeing techniques from a new book, Shibori by Janice Gunner, and this was perfect timing.

Monday, April 11, 2016

My Secret Life As a Stripper

A Day of True Confessions

Nearly 30 years ago, I started stripping. I was looking for a way to get some new things, but I didn't have a lot of money. I tried not to be embarrassed, and shared my secret with only my closest friends. Surprisingly, I found a few who had also turned to stripping for the cache.

It's not for the meek or fainthearted, and takes a fair amount of brains and strength. Once you've gotten started the time passes fairly quickly, and it's like money in your pocket. I find if I just turn the music on really loud and use a good spotlight, it eases my fear of making a mistake. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Freestyle Improv Blocks: Declaration for One Monthly Goal

Block Play

A few weekends ago I wrapped up my work for the day, and decided I had earned some play time. Playing with blocks is my favorite creative outlet as a quilter. Drawing things out on paper or the computer is good, but physically handling fabric is far more therapeutic and inspiring.

Monday, April 4, 2016

#BraveQuilter Winner for March & April Linky OPEN

The Winner for March is...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Patchwork Carry All Tote Kit from Craftsy

Which one would you pick? 

Patchwork Carry All Tote Kit

Skill level: Advanced Beginner
Time to complete: One Weekend
On Sale NOW for just $21.78!

Occasionally a company will ask an affiliate blogger to make a product, and review the pattern and process. I've agreed to do this bag for Craftsy, but I will share with you, dear Reader, my honest opinion.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

#BraveQuilter: March Wrap Up Link Party

What does it mean to be brave in the context of quilting?

Is it really to 'face and endure danger without showing fear' as many dictionaries state? Well, honestly, I can't think about too many things with quilting that are really dangerous besides rotary cutters, longarm quilting machines, and running with scissors. We're not talking about bodily harm with #BraveQuilter--we're talking about the fear of failure.