Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Solid Dyeing Experience

Left to right: Avocado, Soft Orange, Chartreuse, Clear Yellow

"Wow! I'm finally getting a grip on dyeing!"--
What I said to my family last night before dinner,
and before they all stared and laughed.

The assortment of fabric resulting from yesterday's dye session had me really excited. I finally found a reliable process to get solid colors! That is, a consistent color without the mottled effect that is so often indicative of hand dyed fabric. That may not sound like a big deal, but certainly is for me. It's one step further in controlling how and where I put color on fabric. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January Bee Blocks

Last year I watched as many fellow bloggers here in QBL talked up the blocks they were making for their Hive. Hives are online quilting bees where members take turns each month as the Queen Bee, directing the others to make the block she or he has selected. As each quilter finishes the block, they are mailed off to the Queen, and she then assembles them into her quilt. You can see why these are called hives, can't you?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Soy Wax Batik & Over Dyeing Experiment

Hands down, my favorite! 
I'll show you why.

It started with a fat quarter of Kona previously immersion dyed with Procion MX Dyes. That translates as 'cold water dyed in a cup', and that's why there is a mottled color to the fabric instead of a nice, overall distribution of color. This was Lemon Yellow by Dharma Trading Co., and one of the 3 primary colors I started with. It was bright--almost neon, and perfect to experiment with over dyeing.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Uppsala Stars Goes Modern Is Quilted

 Uppsala Stars Goes Modern
in Mochi by Cotton+Steel 
from RJR Fabrics

This sweet little quilt is a modern version of Uppsala Stars that I published last month seen here. The pattern is available as a pdf download from Craftsy, and available by linking through my sidebar. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Taming the Scrap Monster

Can you remember the first time you set aside scraps thinking you would never save enough to make an actual quilt? I used to look at those scrappy creations, and nearly swoon. Many quilters admittedly prefer the look of using one single fabric line, but others like me throw abandon to the wind, and think the more the better. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Dyeing Pink to Orange, Painting with Dyes, & Project Quilting 7 Week 1 Challenge

Left to right: #12 Light Red, #10A Chinese Red, #10 Fire Red, #9 Scarlet--2 pieces, #6 Deep Orange, and last a tri-color piece 

These are all examples from my latest batch of low-immersion dyed cottons with Procion MX Dyes. This run was an experiment using the range of red to orange on my shelf. I chose not to use #13 Fuchsia, which might have been included.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Project Quilting Challenge: S7/Wk1 Finish: Confetti

A small sized finish, but still a finish. 

I tried several fabrics to bind this with, but none worked as well as sticking close to the colors nearest the perimeter. My strips were all 2", but when I tried turning them as a normal double thickness the binding seemed too puffy. One layer looked better, and I took up the excess on the backing.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Fabric Collage Progress: Confetti


Fabric collage was never on my bucket list. I admit I knew nothing about it until I came across a book explaing the techniques. You can catch up in this post. Persimmon Dreams is hosting a weekly challenge with this week's theme listed as 'confetti'.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Öland, Sweden, & Collaging Bits

Sedum Saxifraga

Massed in concrete pots before the Borgholm Castle on Öland, Sweden, these spring alpines radiated with color. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Eyes Wide Open: Assessing the Journey

Happy New Year, 2016!

Can you believe we've put 2015 to bed already? Looking back, it was an excellent year despite the bumps in the road. (We all have bumps.) The Winnie-the-Pooh in me says 2016 will be even more spectacular, so let me send a little of my optimism your way.