Friday, February 9, 2024

Scrappy Heart Crush Quilt

Scrappy Heart Crush Quilt

February holds Valentine's Day, is heart health month, and the anniversary of some good, and not-so-good things in my life. For the past 3 weeks I've gotten one bug after the next with the last one knocking me for a real loop. Low energy had me looking for a mini project while I put Lorelei on hold. The scraps were calling out so I dug into my reds coming up with a neat little heart block. The beauty of it was how fast I could sew it. In under 10 minutes I had a 10.5" block to trim! in no time at all, February was looking up, and these blocks were ready for a quilt.

Oh, and did you see the LOVE block? Well, I just thought it needed that little touch of text, and wasn't nearly as hard as I made it out to be. All my whining, (or whinging according to my expert Aussie friend, Jan, on paper piecing) was for nothing because in the end I figured it out, and am a better person for it. Thanks, Jan.

Here's the paper template I used, and give me a couple days to turn it into something you can reproduce or print. The same with the LOVE block. The 10" finished blocks would make a cute table runner as well, and who says they have to be red?

Now back to the couch as I catch a little rest. This can't go on forever. Check back in a few days, and I'll give you the details and tutorial. 


Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.


Anonymous said...

Great way to use up some of those scraps. Your swiftness from start to finish always amazes me. The month will now look a whole lot better.

Joyce Levengood said...

Had the same “bugs” at my house. Started December 30th and am just now turning the corner. Still pretty tired. Love your heart/love blocks.

Shelina said...

You're the second blog I've seen where someone has been sick. I hope that you are feeling better. Your quilt is lovely. I kick and scream when I have to paper piece anything too.