Showing posts with label charm pack projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charm pack projects. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The One Year Journey of a Quilting Blogger

Me, Julie, the Pink Doxie Mama

This post has been turning in my mind for a month. I joined the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers in June as a way to hone my blogging skills and meet others. We've covered the gamut of topics in our Facebook group, and I've enjoyed being introduced to both the new blogs, and the real voices behind them.  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Giveaway & Projects for 2015 OTWS Q2 Finishes

Happy Easter to all this morning!

This post is to document all my intended finishes
for the 2015 On the Windy Side Q2. Rules and such 
at the link if you'll join me. I'm almost 
pink-cheeked at all my WIPs, but there will 
be more confessions than just mine this week.

Above is a project I will be telling you about
this week. A Variable Star block that will 
become a pillow for a Giveaway at the end of 
the month, and is also my April goal for A Lovely 
Year of Finishes. The Pink Doxies Pet Project 
Show linky party is going on right now here
and will last until Monday night. We have the 
same link party each weekend you can link up to.
I will pick one random winner at the end of 
this month to receive this pillow. I'm happy
to ship anywhere in the world for you!

Are you interested in winning?

Enter the Pet Project link party for one chance.
*Each weekend means another chance!
Parties #14, 15,16, and 17 count.
Follow me on Bloglovin' -or- by email for another.
Following on Twitter gives you one more,
and Instagram another.

You can leave me one comment here on this 
post telling me how you're following, and I'll
count up the linky party entries at the 
end of the month and add them to your total.

All buttons are to your right in the sidebar.

HST Quilt

A Kate Spain laminated fabric bag for shopping

Another Pie Quilt with some 
Pam Kitty and other cheery fabrics.

A Love block lap quilt from A Quilter's Mixology

The quilted iPad cover I promised after Christmas!

Tula Pink jelly roll quilt I started over a year ago!

My Pojagi-like hanging for my window.

Dare I even say the Daydream Quilt?

My daughter is getting tired of waiting on 
this hexagon quilt.

Jelly Beans and Chocolate. I love this backing!
Why can't I just finish it?


Sashing and backing fabric just 
ordered for this beauty from 
Modern Tradition Quilts Charm
Square Quilt Along.

Okay, I actually have a few more, but
I will hold off until the summer quarter.

Actual link ups to the second quarter start
in a few days, but I thought a few of you 
might want some time to get ready. You
know who you are!

Let's bust those WIP's together this quarter!

Come on, Doxie Girls.
Let's go sew.

Linking this post to~

Monday, February 9, 2015

Stripping the Charm from Pre-Cuts

My HST quilt made with dark and lights is 
coming together. I'm working in my kitchen for 
extra light and table space, and I should have the top 
done early today. I've learned oodles about 
matching points and diagonals, and overall 
it's been a real education in construction 
'Do's and Don'ts.' I'll wait to give you 
all my notes in the finish post.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Fa-La-La-La-La, and I'm Not Done. Are You?

I showed you this little quilt top a few weeks ago made with a Merry Go Round charm pack. The fabric designer is Nel Whatmore for Freespirit Fabrics. It's become a favorite after using it, and one I'll replace for my stash. Very girly and romantic, but modern, too.