Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year, 2019!

Delectable Mountains Variation

Welcome 2019! I hope the year came in the way you wanted whether quietly or with a bang. For the first year in decades, I was awake at midnight listening to fireworks off in the distance as I crept upstairs to bed. There was no kissing, though, as the Mister has a bad cold, and I am doing my best to keep it from catching it. 

The last few days have been low-key while he recovers, and I have taken advantage of the time to sew a few blocks. I used some Anna Marie Horner fat quarter scraps, and Sakura yardage from Moda to test out the method from the YouTube video below.

Setting Our Sights on the Future

This is the day we ask friends, "Did you make any New Year's resolutions?" Well, I've been rolling my thoughts around for the past week considering this. It requires us to think about the past year as well as the next. And this year, I would say is especially important as the following one is 2020. Somehow those double digits feel special when I see them.

One of my last posts of 2017 was 27 Quilt Finishes in 2017. I summarized my goals as:

Make what you love. Use what you have. Listen more. Talk less.

Therefore, 2018 was actually spent digging out from underneath a huge pile of unfinished work. I had no idea it would take more than 6 months let alone the entire year, and in full disclosure, I am still not done. I continue to pull out half-baked projects as I reorganize. The high point of dedicating my year to this is having recovered and finished some beautiful quilts. The sacrifice may have been the high one gets in designing original quilts, but the quilting designs just may have pushed me more creatively. The biggest thing I learned was not to overthink things. Just move on through, and all things get better with practice.

Goals for 2019? Yes. Continue the same thoughts as last year, but add one word. One word that keeps rising in my thoughts.


Honor the person. Honor thyself. Honor your parents and children. Live with honor. An honorable life. A verb as well as a noun, I still haven't found a way to best phrase it, but honor keeps coming to the forefront of my thoughts. Perhaps soon I will understand the best way to express what I'm feeling. 

What comes to your mind when you think of the word? 

If you've also written a post about your goals for the coming year, please leave your blog address in the comments below. I'd love to know your own thoughts, too. I wish each of you a blessed and Happy New Year in 2019.

Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.


Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I, too, made it to midnight LOL I was up sewing and lost track of time. I haven't made any resolutions yet. I will continue to work away at my WIPs. Happy New Year.

Danice G said...

Happy New Year wishes to you also. Hoping your husband is well soon. I did post my New Year's goals and Word for the year.

Melanie McNeil said...

Thanks for this lovely post. Honor is an important noun and verb.

I've made Delectable Mountains quilts, both using the method in the video and the old-fashioned way. They're definitely different from each other, each having its benefits. But the slice-and-dice way was so much fun. :) I didn't use a layer cake but cut my squares to size, as I'm not a fan of trimming. However, it certainly makes construction simple, doesn't it? Thanks again.
Melanie McNeil
Catbird Quilt Studio

Linda Swanekamp said...

It is going to take me a few more days to hammer out my plan for 2019. I was moving fabric around the past couple of days and need a better sytem. Working on a One block cross pattern inspired by you.

piecefulwendy said...

I haven't put any plans for 2019 in writing yet. I'm not very good at that, but I do have some thoughts on what I'd like to try, to achieve, to leave behind. Honor -- good word, as both noun and verb. I'd have to think a bit on how I'd define it. It's a bit difficult to put into words, so I'll have to get back to you. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I was up holding two quaking bassets! They are both terrified of thunder and fireworks. Both were medicated, but I think the meds were too old to work. I need to get more for the July 4th terror day.

Hope you have a healthy and prosperous 2019!

KaHolly said...

Happy New Year, Julie! Love those fabrics together! Honor is a super word for the year. I’ve yet to make any resolutions or choose my word. Look for a pkg. soon! XO

PaulaB quilts said...

When I consider “honor” the word that comes to mind is “respect “, in its use as a verb. Putting the other higher than ourselves. Thanks for including the Delectable Mountains video,which does not seem intimidating. I have some Kaffe Fassett tens which might be just the thing.i met my 2018 goal of not buying any fabric all year and my stash can breathe easier now. Happy New Year to you and your family, Julie.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Thanks for the video. This quilt block is on my list to try and I'll probably try the technique in the video.

I have thought a lot about HONOR in the past two years, thinking politically mostly. This definition from the dictionary is what describes one of the meanings that comes to me first:
honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. It's easy to THINK honor but sometimes not so easy to live honorably especially in being "fair". I don't have a "word" yet or maybe I won't. I've been thinking about it.
xx, Carol

Kate said...

Love the magenta/pink you've used in that block. It really gives the block a modern and fun vibe.

For goals this year, I decided to skip the metrics this year. So my goals are more stratgies on how to manage the sewing room time and hopefully that will mean a few more things get finished.

Happy New Year to you and yours.