You never actually know how a block will turn out, do you?The block above is a good example. It was difficult finding colors to simulate Moda's colors in the pattern, and was necessary to substitute the soft red stripe for a bright red. This is one very odd combination of fabrics close up, but look below at the block in the context of the quilt. It works!
I'm gaining momentum in overall progress. I have just a few more medium blocks left, and then it's all small 6" blocks. Some are fairly simple, and I'm expecting a Friday flimsy. Some of my other work has taken a back seat, but my focus is here. It's also keeping my mind off my big secret.
The taupe and coffee color did a wonderful job of balancing the overall tone. The darker colors help anchor the brights.
Ironing each seam as I go has ceased. Finger pressing at the machine, and continuing to sew is speeding things up. All seams are pressed open now, and it's changed my mind about being worthy of the extra effort. There is a vast improvement in the flatness of the seams. It's even visible in the pictures.
I was mid-way through another of the larger blocks, and the passing storm flashed and boomed all around me. I made the decision to unplug my last machine, and call it a night. It will be there in the morning waiting for me.
Until then...
Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.
Your blocks are really lovely and so neat. :0) xx
Big secret? I'm looking for clues in all those lovely blocks, but none are too be found. Ah, I'll just have to wait patiently...
Can't wait to hear the big secret! Keep going, each block is delicious and when this is finished its going to be gorgeous!
I'm still not convinced about pressing open...I love the butting up of seams for those crisp matchy-matchy corners. Do you pin at those intersections then?
I always pin layers if I have a point I need to make sure I don't sew over. Even when I butt seams, I agree that is easier, I still pin. I've had to fix enough little shifts in the fabric to make it worth my while to stick a little pin in
The thing I've dealt with on this quilt is that once you start pressing open, the blocks look really flat. Add a block where you've pressed the side or combined methods, and if they are side by side, you can tell. I looks wonky to me. There are so many HST and flying geese in this quilt that almost every block is a candidate for pressing open. I just continued it even for the straight seams in the above block with all yellow and white, and I think it just lies flatter.
I agree with folks that say ditch stitching on a domestic is easier if you have seams pressed to one side. The size of this quilt has me in the mind of a long arm to quilt it.
Your blocks are beautitul and spot on. My experience is the same with pressing!! Hope weather is better now.
I'm with you on the pressing. Reeks havoc on your finger nails though. Enjoyed your post, Sandi
You're making progress! Whoop! I love nesting seams but as I said before, I am finding that pressing seams open helps the look of my blocks too. I guess it just depends on the project I'm doing. Thanks so much for linking up to Main Crush Monday!
I love seeing this done in prints. It is looking great!
I really like these pinks - the stripey one especially!
You are indeed making progress -- loved the block you put up on Instagram Tuesday!
I love what you've got going on here!
Most of the time I can pretty much picture what the finished block will look like, but that also drives me to the point of overthinking it. I love striped and zigzaged fabric, but tend to worry to much what'll will look like in e.g. HST because stripes will head in different directions. And then I see a block like yours and how it is included with the other ones and think, isn't this what quilting is all about - the disorderliness and wonkiness.
Found you on show and tell tuesday.
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