Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Walnut Creek Vintage Fair 2019 & Linky Party

The Rosy Fingers of Dawn: 7:00 Arrival

Living in the heart of quilt country has its advantages if you pay attention. The Walnut Creek Vintage Fair has been around for several years now, but I first heard about it last week when a friend said she was vending vintage fabric there, and I should come. I coerced my daughter and soon-to-be daughter-in-law to wake early on their Friday-day-off, and off we went. My advice to bring extra shoes was helpful because there was water in the parking field despite the gorgeous dawn. Little did we know that the dark skies we had experienced in the late afternoon the day before had brought a torrential storm here. It wreacked havoc on the vendors who had already set up shop. Large puddles persisted as we entered the market. Muck boots were haute couture, and more than just a good look.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Transition of Seasons: Behind the Scenes

New Routine: Coffee and a book 
after lunch in the shade

I didn't want you to think we'd abandoned you, but it's been a bits and pieces kind of week. Not really summer anymore, but not quite fall. Without a doubt, this is my favorite season. Most of our summer chores are slowing down, if not over. Routines are returning, and I like that. All the girls started back to their universities, and are doing well. I feel l I can take a few minutes of downtime to think and plan.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How Real Are Online Relationships? Pink Doxies Meets Musings of a Menopausal Melon

"Pink Doxies" Meets "Musings of a Menopausal Melon"

What happens when two quilting bloggers strike up a long running conversation online, and it blossoms into a warm friendship? They decide they must meet in person, of course.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Stash-RJR Moonlit and AG Field Day

Moonlit by RJR Fabrics

With respect to our snowbanks and winter weather,
would you just take a moment to dream 
about the warm breezes of spring with me?
The butterflies will be back, and
the flowers will bloom again.

What a magnificent print when you see 
it as a large piece of fabric!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Buying Fabric

Tokyo Train Ride by Sarah Watts for Cotton + Steel

I placed an order with Fat Quarter Shop last week. It was waiting for me when I made it home Sunday. Oh, Wow!  My taste ran all over, and I tried to rein it in, but the choices were SO TEMPTING!  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Project "Feather the Nest"-2

Today is Veteran's Day. Take the opportunity to thank those men and women who gave a great deal to us with their time and devotion to our country. Young and old, they all remember the sacrifices, and are grateful and honored when they know the rest of us remember, too. A simple, "Thank you for your service", is appreciated.