Sunday, November 22, 2020

Secret Surprise Quilting on Back

ABC Child's Quilt

I realized the other day I had not posted in some time. I'm keeping very busy quilting for clients, and at a time like this that's good. Each day seems to bring a new twist with the sunrise. Ohio has had rising Covid cases like most other states, and it has inched closer to my circle. Many members of the extended family, and our children's families have it, and we are hoping for uncomplicated cases. I'm thrown back to the days in the past when I'm sure many women felt helpless with the diseases that swept through their own lives, and like them am finding relief in turning fabric into something useful.

Having so much on my mind makes me long for simple projects, and small quilts. When a few last minute Christmas quilts came in, I was tickled with this small one. It was for a little boy, and he loves trucks of all kinds. Instead of a basic E2E, I wanted it to be special when he flipped it over to the red backing.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Kansas Troubles Block: Improving Accuracy

Kansas Troubles Block 

Do you want to be a better quilter, and improve your accuracy? It's not as hard as it seems. Think while you sew. Keep your brain engaged, and focus.

  • Don't depend on a pattern or directions to tell you everything because most often they don't. 
  • Use logic and geometry to figure measurements out. It's a few formulas, and pretty standard stuff.
  • Watch for bias edges.
  • Square for accuracy as often as necessary.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Little Blue Baskets Block

Little Blue Baskets

I don't know how I missed the fact that this sampler was the 1865 Passion Sampler, but I did. So giving credit to France Aubert who blogs at Passion Patchwork is due. She combined the blocks from Barbara Brackman's Civil War book along with 40 others to create a sampler quilt which was also published in the recent edition of Quiltmania magazine.

That said, I'm sticking to the block schedule loosely. Where I can substitute a block that pushes me to work harder, I am. That's how the Little Blue Baskets block came to be. It's fallen in line with some of the other things I've been working at in skill building: accuracy, and working in a smaller scale.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Farmer's Wife 1930s: Bride, No. 17

Farmer's Wife 1930s
Bride, No.17

This week has been a flurry of cleaning up leaves, and summer. Rarely do I cut down my perennials preferring to leave them to wither on their own schedule, but something made me go through the gardens and tidy this year. The saying, "Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today," pops up over and over. My compost and leaf piles are enormous. It will be a rich spring for fertilizer.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Civil War Blocks: Round 2

Civil War Blocks: Round 2
Indiana Puzzle

I've had an internal dialogue going whether to write much about these Civil War blocks, or just let them stand on their own. Because it's supposed to be joyful sewing only, I've decided to say little. I won't titter on about missing points or meeting seams. I'm sure that wasn't so much of an issue in those times as I have some of those old quilts, and I've seen it firsthand. I would venture it was much more about the fabrics then, and how they added so much color to fairly plain interiors in many cases. The fabric and quilts might have been the stars of the room all their own so I will try to allow these blocks do the same unless necessary.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Modified Paper Piecing: Farmer's Wife 1930s: Blossom, No.15

The Farmer's Wife 1930s
Blossom, No.15

Years ago I was involved in a round robin, and introduced to a modified paper piecing technique that didn't require me to sew through the paper. That was a revelation because I hated that part with a passion. I had avoided all paper piecing projects. But the idea of folding back the paper, and sewing beside the seam made a lot of sense, and saved the paper to use again. No ripping!

Yesterday I posted on a Facebook site for Farmer's Wife 1930s blocks, and another poster mentioned a book called Painless Paper Piecing by Marjorie Rine. This is a modified version of her technique, I believe, by the little bit I can read in the look inside option on Amazon. I learned it from another quilter, and will pass on the rough details I used. The book is still available used, and I suggest you purchase it if you want the exact details of that method.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Farmer's Wife 1930s: Bea, No. 11

Farmer's Wife 1930s:
Bea, No. 11

This week has flown by. I've hustled to get customer quilts out the door, and also a quilt pieced for one of our sons. The Civil War blocks have been fun, and there's a lot of crossover between those blocks and these. But the Civil War blocks are 8", and the Farmer's Wife blocks are 6". You can feel the difference when there's so many little pieces to fit together.

Also, approaching a new block pattern every time you sit down to sew requires concentration. The need for accuracy as you scale down makes you pay close attention to your basic skill set: fabric prep, cutting, handling the fabric, sewing a proper seam, and how and even when to press. All have been scrutinized, and tweaked in the past weeks. It makes me want to try some even smaller blocks still. I guess it's like the limbo. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Civil War Sampler Blocks

New England

Civil War Sampler by Barbara Brackman

My conscience is saying, "Have you no shame?! Yet another quilt along when you have two out there hanging?" And I answer it with, "I need this! I need the adrenaline, the frenzy, the routine." And honestly, I think that's true. I crave joyful sewing right now. I need camaraderie. I want to hear and feel the struggle of other quilters moaning about a difficult block, and not thinking about the world at large for just a tiny bit! 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Farmer's Wife 1930s: Ava, No.10

Ava, No. 10

I know I said I was going to do a block a day to get my out from behind the grind of my Farmer's Wife 1930's project, but I'm choosing steady progress over a killer plan. It's a little like a busman's holiday to come home from quilting all day to piece blocks, and yet it's a pleasant segue. There's usually a few spare minutes between my through the door, cooking, and dinner, and find this works like eggs in coffee. Sweet!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Quilt Roll Catch Up

Modern 9 Patch

Oh, the quilts I see! I'm so lucky to be surrounded by inspiration daily. It's been a whirlwind, and they keep rolling in from so much summer sewing. Let me show you a sampler of recent highlights. 

Rosann Triner sent me this supersized, modern beauty several weeks ago. It took us a while to decide how to quilt it. Between talking and texting ideas, we came up with this simple, yet elegant design. It adds softness with the curves, yet keeps it both modern and minimalist. This proves that often the simplest designs require the most planning. It's fantastic!