Thursday, December 4, 2014

Waterproof Mug Rugs

I suppose I shouldn't start a post by complaining, but I have a pet peeve with ordinary Mug Rugs. If you use them as a coaster on wood and you have a spill, you may wind up with a water ring or even ruined furniture. I need things to be functional--not just 'decorative'. This family really lives in our home, we eat and drink in the front room, and we don't always pay attention. I say this from experience.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tiny Houses Tiny Trees-Big Reveal

Tiny Houses Tiny Trees
Here's the Big Reveal!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tiny Houses Tiny Trees WIP

I love weekends without big commitments. 
I got a lot done,  
but you'll only get to see the trees today.

I did several small stints at my Janome on Sunday, and the Tiny Houses Tiny Trees was quilted. Later in the evening I sat with the family and sewed on buttons. A few more hours, and it will be ready to hang. I'm getting excited now. 

Someone asked me where I find the time to sew and quilt with all I have going on. We have a very busy household here. If you're interested, read on.

Do you know people that when you try to find a date for a get-together, and they start paging through their calendars into the next 2 months? They're booked solid in their personal lives as well as their professional lives. They will say, "My schedule is crazy! It's not me--it's the kids!" We have 5 kid  from teens into twenties now, but they were all young once long ago. I hear my friends lament, and wish I could tell them this.

I have a dear friend who once told me she only allowed each of her kids to do one outside activity that maintained a schedule, like a sport, twice a year. So, 6 kids on a rotating basis, and not all at once. She limited the craziness in her life by setting limits. She's a smart cookie. I applied a lot of her mommy wisdom to my own life with young kids, and still do. Like, I once bargained with one of our children the opportunity to have a horse instead of playing on a softball team again. It was the same amount of time investment, but spread out over the year, and a regular schedule. My kids did do sports, but when they did, they all took lessons at the same time, like tennis or martial arts. I never felt the guilt that they had to do it all. The free time we gave them was every bit as important as another scheduled activity.

Every one of my children found a unique hobby growing up by not following the norm of 'The Hurried Child'. They all, so far, have carried these interests into adulthood. Forcing them to fill their own time worked.

Your free time is often hard to control, especially during the holidays, so don't burn yourself out this season. Manage your time instead of allowing it to manage you. If you must, mark off your calendars with "Free Time" with a pen--it's non-negotiable. I'm advocating a Slow Holiday, and Less-is-More theme.

This is my effort at holiday decorating so far. I found it at the local store on sale this weekend. I love to give a big, sarcastic, "Whatever!" to my kids now, probably because it was a banned word in our house when they were all little. (Having older kids is really more fun, I'm telling you!) I think it carries the same sentiment, but in a holiday way. 

Doxie Girls, let's go pick up your 3 canine cousins, and make this a sewing day. 
(Shut in a room with 6 dogs.)
Not sure I'll get a lot done today, but we'll have fun.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Tiny Post on Tiny Trees

Tiny Holiday Trees 

My little trees I accidentally squished together turned into a sweet wall hanging. I finished it up yesterday as a gift for my friend, Wenda. It was a happy accident, and I was pleased how it turned out.

I used the chance to try out the machine quilting I had in mind for the larger wall hanging, and also the button and pearl embellishments. I think the bling is pretty, but it could easily be made less glammy by using colored buttons on one or all the trees. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

 "Tiny Houses, Tiny Trees" came together at last this afternoon. The week before Thanksgiving brings so much extra work and preparation, so this project feels like it's taken forever. It actually hasn't been a week, though. I think I was so anxious to get the piecing done because I'm really looking forward to the next part. Bring on the bling!

Two books that have been on my shelf for several months are both by Aimee Ray. I haven't done much in the way of embroidery, but I started this project with the intention to embellish it. I think embroidery will enhance this project.

Here are another two loaded with ideas. 

I made this block while working on the project, but the trees wound up too close together. It's okay. I learned how 'not to do it', and now I have a piece to practice some techniques on before starting with the actual project.

The wine is chilled and the turkey defrosted. The cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes were cooked today. Tomorrow after the rest is prepped, and while the turkey bakes, I'll be stitching away. My mom will call to ask how the meal prep is going, and once again tell me I should be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I'll just smile. 

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day wherever you land, and be careful in your travels. And remember, be kind to each other.

Doxie Girls, let's head to bed.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tiny Houses Tiny Trees II

 Tiny Houses Tiny Trees--Work in Progress-WIP

It was a working weekend for me, but I have a lot to show for it this morning. This little project does not show the hours sunk into it. It is a time vampire, but I love how fun it is!

 I had done the remaining tree blocks during the morning. 
Sunday afternoon I started at this point.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Tiny Houses Tiny Trees

I have always had a thing for Teeny Tiny Houses. I always thought it would be So Fun to live with minimal space, and the barest of possessions. One trip to a Disney efficiency room with two girls who were appalled at the lack of privacy changed all that overnight! I'm happy enough now to just look at pictures, Thank You.

This little project started off with the stripey fabric reminding me so much of trees. I thought a little wall hanging with trees would be a nice seasonal touch. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quilted Clutch Bags

Somewhere along the Quilting Road, I never learned what a walking foot was, or did, because I had always sewn on a Pfaff. That wonderful old machine with an integrated walking foot! Mine is on the older side now, over 20 years old, and I'm still just as thrilled with it as I was the first day. The only thing that I can't do is quilt a bigger piece on it with the tiny 6 3/4" throat. For that, I need my new Janome. 

All my quilting is done on the Janome now, but I had never just straight stitched a quilt. Once I learned how much fun it was to do free-motion, I couldn't see why someone would even want to do straight stitching. While I love the creativity of free-motion, Fiona's dog bed required a straight stitch because of the bulk. So last weekend it was finally necessary to learn how to use the Janome's walking foot. I 505'd together two cute scraps, and figured it out. Not tough at all, but now I had seen how it could transform my fabric with just that straight stitching, and I was really impressed with the look. I just had to find something to do with my test piece!

So, this little clutch was born, and the idea continued to be refined, ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Holiday Hip Hot Pad

From here until the first of January, it's a social season. There are invitations to gatherings, parties, and the occasional unexpected company shows up at our doors. There are frequently times when we should be showing up with 'something', and my head goes blank when I'm pushed for a last minute idea. I've been racking my brain for homemade hostess gifts I can make and take, and I always think about what I would want to receive myself. There are the typical things like wine or a small plant, etc., but it seems at the holidays that people bring holiday-themed gifts. I would bet that each one of us here has a little different decorating style for our holidays, and I'm trying to find something that all of us can use, and hopefully appreciate.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Favorite Quilt Scraps Powder Puffs

You may not want to hear this, but it's officially 6 weeks before Christmas, and a week and half before Thanksgiving. The calendar turns whether we're in denial or not. Do you have a list of people expecting a gift from you? Are you interested in some quick projects that are fun to do, and will be one-of-a-kind because you make them? I'll share a few of my secrets with you this week. Let's make this Christmas a low-cost, low-volume holiday, and focus on homemade, which allows us to re-purpose or Upcycle.