Showing posts with label tie dye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tie dye. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tie Dye for Fourth of July!

First Batch of Tie Dyed Clothing

Like these little outfits, this post is short and sweet. It was on my June plan since I bought the clothing, and needed to be done before the kids grew out of them. Oh, yes, that has happened to me before!

I have done tie dyed fabrics before, and shown you the process, but never clothing. There are lots of babies in the family right now--remember all the quilts, and the Fourth of July is a very big deal in our little town. We host one of two fireworks here, and there is a good, old-fashioned parade. Gnadenhutten, Ohio is Smalltown, USA in every respect.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dyeing a Mandala

Experimental Dyeing Process: Mandala #1

I spent several months working with both vat dyeing, and low immersion dyeing. I played with wax/paraffin, soy wax, and glue resists. I stitched shibori. But up to this point, I never did good old tie dye as most of us grew up with. It was time.