I sat down with a timer set for half an hour, determined
to finish the quilting. When the alarm rang, I had to run.
Back in the afternoon, I put on some soothing music,
and as you would have guessed, it started to be fun.
There was a moment of disappointment when I ran
out of empty space to quilt. After all that drama!
The light makes the back appear as if there is a lot of
bunching, but there's not. The are one or two little places
near the edge where it's not 'perfect'. If I was marketing
this quilting, I would tear it out, and fix it.
I changed my sandwiching process this time. I taped my
backing down to the concrete floor first. The ironed
batting was next, and also held with its own tape. Then
the top, and also taped. All layers were taut. I used
large saftey pins, and not even quilter's pins at that,
to hold everything securely. I pinned about 5-6" apart.
This was much more successful than spray basting
on this size quilt, but I know I still need to use more
pins toward the edges next time.
My machine sits on top of a table, and I believe having
it countersunk would be a vast improvement in the
ability to move the quilt around. I might have to ask
for help with that one.
I was very happy with the stitching by the end.
The late afternoon sun threw some heavy shadows,
but there aren't really big wrinkles there.
Two of the girls have had to break it in already. It passed.
Today I'm going to a friend's house for a fabric swap.
It reminds me of when I was little trading Barbie clothes.
I'm taking some fabrics that aren't my favorites in colors
she's looking for, and hoping she has some odd things
I'm looking for.
Doesn't that sound like fun? That way you not only shop your own stash, but someone else's, too. Frugal and effective.
Today's Tips
Today's tips for navigating on the new Pink Doxie page.
Use your keyboard letters j and k to move between posts. If you simply use your keyboard letter j, it will take you to a previous post. Tapping the letter k will take you to the next.
Any of the pictures are clickable, and will take you to that post.
Stop back tomorrow for the Pet Project Show. The linky will
open at midnight tonight EST, and run through midnight on
Monday night. Show us your pet project of the week.
Until then...
Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.