Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Stitchin' and Beachin'

Can you guess what would be in a 
sewists luggage for vacation?

My trusty computer, fabric, rulers, books, and 
2 changes of clothing with a swim suit.
I have a toothbrush where I'm going.

I'm so grateful that another family member
quilts, and has a fabulous stash of tools and 
a sewing machine left at my disposal!

I've been waking at 4 am to sew, 
leaving time for a little sun and biking later.
So peaceful. So quiet.

This morning while my daughter was off
to the Ding Darling Refuge to 'shoot' some
birds, I went off for a walk through
the neighborhood, and down to the beach.

I'm always looking at leaves to 
gather ideas for FMQ.

One of my favorite trees, a Hong Kong Orchid, 
blooming at the base by the roots.

Cue the birds!

I've learned to never be without camera when I'm at the beach. 
A missed opportunity to capture the colors in the 
horizon is not a possible Do-Over. 
Today was overcast, muted, and a blurred
line from sea into sky, but the colors
were there in the layers.

Kim Eichler-Messmer is a modern quilter, 
teacher, dyer, author, etc. I admire her work,
and am in awe of her art.

She uses her hand-dyed fabrics to create 
landscape quilts, which I feel are timeless, and
are high on my bucket list. Until the weather
warms and I can work with dyes outside, I'll
collect my ideas in pictures.

Her book, Modern Color, is wonderful, and 
I highly recommend it you're next 
interest is in dyeing fabrics.

Image result for kim eichler-messmer

Here's a sneak peek at my current work,
below and at the very top,
but I can't show it off until well into March.
I've joined in the Tree Bird Blog Hop,
and am getting very excited to see the 
other projects in progress.

Greetings to all. 
I'm off for a walk in the sand,
and then a bike trip to a fabric store.
Can you imagine be able to 
to buy fabric?
It's such a blessing I don't live here!

I'm missing the Doxie Girls,
so hug your fur babies for me.
Until next time~


  1. Happy holidays! Sound like you have the best time there! x Teje

  2. Sounds like a perfect vacation spot! I wish I had a relative who had quilting supplies when I go on vacation. Thanks for sharing

  3. Sounds idilic, enjoy YOUR time as it looks like a perfect creative time. Thanks for the book information, looks interesting.

  4. What a lovely place. So many beautiful things to see and do. Enjoy your vacation.

  5. May I just start with jealous? - oh my I am so glad your set up is so perfect! what a great way to enjoy both stitching and beautiful weather!! Enjoy!!!

  6. Looks like the kind of day we are having here in southwest Florida. Awesome to pack all the important stuff to take, since you have other necessities already there! Funny, you were just before me in the Let's Bee Social party! Hello again! Glad you're having a terrific, warm, nature- and colour-filled vacay.

  7. I think I would take the warm weather right about now. And a new fabric store to explore!

  8. Have a wonderful vacation. I love the pictures of the water. I do miss it so!

  9. Lovely place and beautiful photos!! I am beautiful things will come out of so much inspiration. I miss my fur babies too when we go on vacation! They will be so excited to see you when you are back :)


  10. It sounds like you are having a fantastic vacation! I live close enough to a fabric store to be able to walk on occasion, and I find that when I walk (and have to carry my purchases 2 miles home), I am much more thrifty about what I purchase! Riding your bike to a store sound much more practical than my walks. :)

  11. A holiday which has some sewing included is a great holiday!! If i push really hard, I can ride to my closest fabric shop but I am too lazy :)


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Pink Doxie Mama