Lorelei: Lesson 1 Center Pinwheel
Tools: I used the Creative Grids Flying Geese & 45/90 Degree Triangle Ruler to make this quilt. I believe this to be an indispensable ruler for any quilter, but there are many similar rulers you may already own. This ruler trims the upper point off the triangle. You may use any similar ruler or the corner of any square ruler by allowing it to hang over the fabric strip.
*An accurate 1/4" seam allowance is important with all piecing. Test your machine so you know the sweet spot. As you add seams to a block you may need to compensate with a slightly smaller seam allowance as you go. That may only be a thread's width. Don't be afraid to rip and re-do.
**Pressing: Press each set of units as you finishing chain stitching them. I use a dry iron for pieces with bias as steam distorts.
Lorelei may appear more complicated than it is. Let's break the block down into a 9 sub-blocks. The entire block is 15" finished, and each of the 9 sub-blocks are 5" finished. There are only 3 different sub-blocks within the block. If you master 3 sub-blocks, you've got the whole quilt!
The pinwheel is the center of the block, and spins in a clockwise direction. There are dark and medium fabrics for the pinwheel, and a light background fabric. Whatever fabrics you choose, think in terms of these values.
Cut a 1 3/4" strip of fabric, and using either the Creative Grids ruler or your own ruler, cut the needed QSTs.
You may find the EQ8 measurements helpful if you are using a different ruler.
Pair the dark and light QST as shown to create 4 units. Place right sides together and sew. You will increase your success by feeding the triangle pair into your machine from the flat side of the unit. Sewing the triangle tip first will often cause you problems as it becomes sucked down into your needle plate. Press unit toward the dark fabric.
Pair the medium triangle with the light rectangle, right sides together matching at straight edge, and sew. Again, sew from the flat edge. Press toward the dark fabric.
Trim each of the 4 medium value triangles as shown.
Align and trim each of the units above while snipping off dog ears.
Pair units as shown.
Pin well. You're working with a lot of bias edges. Using the first snip as a guide, snip the other piece to match. This gives you a flat edge to feed into your machine. Sew right sides together. Press toward dark fabric.
Measure and trim each unit to 3". Snip dog ears.
This may be all I trim on each unit, but it's important if you want the end block to be very square with all tips showing.
Position pieces as shown. Match 2 pairs right sides together and sew. Repeat with last pairs.
Press seams as shown. A rule of thumb is all seams toward the darkest fabric. Spin your pinwheel center so it lays flat. You may need to snip a few threads.
Trim one last time.
Two more sub-blocks to go, and both just as simple. I'll post the next tutorial in a few days. Happy sewing!
. Come on, Doxie girls.
Well, look at this! Blogger is going to allow me the privilege of commenting today. Do wonders never cease? This is a well thought out tutorial. It entices me to try to make this block just to see how it turns out. Sometimes, making a practice block leads to all kinds of new and wonderful things. Stay well, stay sweet!