Sanibel Bridge in the fog
A Long Time Away
Our roles in life change fairly often--perhaps more as women, but more so as care givers. While our families are young, we look forward to the day when each child becomes independent. Ours all did, thankfully, and afterward there were several carefree years. I had time to grow my garden, sew for myself, and quilt for others. I look back at that now as a blissful, golden period.
My parents aged well. They were independent and healthy until one day they weren't. My dad passed away this fall in his 90's, and my mom in her late 80's is struggling. I know this resonates with people my age because it's the natural course in many of our lives. The relationship turns around at some point. Our parents need more love, and time, and sometimes it's overwhelming when we lead busy lives. Something gave, and it was my quilting. I took 2022 off quilting only a few rare quilts. It was a good decision, and I would not have missed this time with them.
All the while we were finding balance after the insanity of lockdowns, masking, and political chaos around the world. Might I share we also survived a tornado that hit our town in June, a category 4+ hurricane in September, multiple bouts of you-know-what sprinkled in, and a miserable do-it-yourself construction project that is still a smidge away to being done. I was more than glad to kick 2022 to the curb. It was our year of Unfortunate Events. Yes, there was even some humor in the end about other catastrophe might happen.
Around December I had the urge to open the studio door, and literally pick up the pieces. I had projects left laying for almost 2 years! A bit at a time I shelved the books, sorted scraps, and finished what I could remember. It was stabilizing just to be there. I started quilting for friends again. After all the chaos I'd been through, sewing was a emotional reset button. I sewed and sewed and sewed.
I bought an Accuquilt and got hooked!
My spiral Lone Star is coming together points or no points! I don't care anymore. I started it 5 years ago, and just want it done.
Truly scrap therapy. I fashioned the design on the floor while sorting scraps, and it sits on my kitchen table now. I love it!
May or may not be what was originally intended, but is done.
Hunter's Star done with Accuquilt BOM die, and a loud and happy twin quilt.
Everything I've wanted to make in the past years has had 60 degree piecing. I had to figure it out, and now the possibilities are more promising.
As I sewed and recovered, I asked myself what I would do with Pink Doxies blog. Apart from it over a year, I felt like there was a missing chunk of my world. The human connections I'd made through the years blogging were still part of my life, and very important to me. It felt natural to want to come back.
So my sabbatical is over. Gosh, I've missed you all so much!
Let's go sew.
I'm so glad you're back, Julie, and so sorry for all the turmoil in your life over the past year or two. Did you move to Florida or were you visiting your mom/parents? I hope your mom adjusts to her situation as time goes on. I think changes are harder the older a person is. I dream of visiting Sanibel Island some year! Beautiful quilts!
Welcome back.. I am caring for my aging mom so I know how it is. My quilting and my blog have both bee neglected.
Welcome Back! I understand. I am so glad you are healthy and you still love sewing. I hope I can keep quilting and my mind for many years yet, but make the most of every day. Your work is always wonderful.
Oh Julie your story is something like mine, except I have been away longer. My parents became I’ll at around the same time and both needed 24 hour care, they both died recently within just over four months, and my lovely father in law died quite suddenly but not altogether unexpectedly, three weeks before my Dad. I’m just back to sewing too, finishing what I left on the design wall nearly a year ago. Such is life, I look forward to reading your journey.
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