Saturday, December 16, 2017

Quilting the Vintage Log Cabin

Hand Quilting a Vintage Log Cabin Quilt

It's December, and everywhere I go I hear coughing. Deep, gripping coughing. There's a rotten cold going around our area, and I'm two and a half weeks into it. I did my duty of self-care, and canceled the monthly sewing group. I rested, t.v. binged, and quilted. Still, a dry cough just hangs on. This one is a doozy.

Small Stitches in Perle Cotton No. 8

I imagine I am close to halfway through the quilting now. It hasn't been an exercise in perfection, but that will only add to the overall, authentic feel. This quilt is destined to be used in my home, on a bed, and slept under. It's far too radiant to hide away!

The whole top was hand pieced in tiny stitches decades ago. I've rarely come across any seams that were short or pulled, and all seem quite square. I can't imagine why it wasn't quilted, but it spoke to me to be finished. In hindsight, it might have been done already had I stuck with traditional quilting thread, and a square pattern. But instead, I quilted down the middle of each log with a pale gray, Perle cotton no. 8, and smaller stitches. It's not speedy work that way, but I get to soak in each of the vintage fabrics as I work. This is truly a Scrappy Quilt Lover's dream project! 

The dogs don't need an invitation to help me out.

I spray basted the layers before starting, and have kept the bulk folded flat and fastened with large safety pins. It stays in place, and makes moving my pvc frame around much easier. I lay the quilt flat on the floor to refasten the clips each time, and check to make sure there is no bunching in the backing. There is more concentrated weight to the quilt in this manner, but I don't mind so much during the winter months. It's cozy quilting.

Slow stitching is good for the soul.
Do you have something in your frame?

More posts about this quilt and vintage textiles~

Finding Your Sweet Spot in Quilting Pt.I 

Finding Your Sweet Spot in Quilting Pt. II

Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.


Linda Swanekamp said...

I love the handquilting. It so fits that quilt. It screams cozy. I don't own a frame. I would love to learn how to handquilt. Sorry you have been plagued with such cruddy sickness. A few people have it around here. It has been a few years since I was afflicted similarity. Keep taking extra care and extra sleep.

Barb Neiwert said...

Your small stitches are like my grandmother used to make! I love them! What a great slow stitching project for these dark, winter months. And just so you know, that awful cold is going around our part of the country, too. Seems to linger and linger and linger. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Beuatiful quilt! I hope you get rid of that hacking quick! I have heard it around here too - and.... I don't want it!!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A wonderful scrappy quilt! You must be enjoying slowly stitching this, so many fabrics to look at!

Anonymous said...

Love your quilting. Enjoy reading your blog!! About that cough make sure you get it checked I have had the same went to check it out. Walking, you know what.!! in ma going around here too! Merry Xmas to you safe new year mgj

Angie in SoCal said...

So sorry to hear you are under the weather. The quilting is coming along beautifully. Praying for that cough to go away. Blessings,

Shelina said...

Love the variety of fabric in the quilt. Your quilting looks great. Hope you feel better soon.

Danice G said...

Oh I love it. your hand quilting is so perfect.

Danice G said...

Pretty hand quilting. I so admire your work.

audrey said...

Wonderful looking fabrics. There's just something about vintage fabrics, that lovely red, a log cabin pattern and hand quilting. Could it be any better? Hope you are starting to feel better for the holiday season!

Sandy Panagos said...

I love the way you are quilting down the center of the strips. It fits the vintage pattern and fabrics perfectly. The Perle cotton really makes it, though.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I hope you're feeling better now. I like how you're quilting this. It looks great on the back.