Groovy Solids
Do you remember this Sesame Street song?
"One of these things is not like the other,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell me which thing is not like the others
Before I finish this song?"
Even though I spend hours sewing each day on lots of different projects, sometimes I sit down here to write about it, and am stumped about what you'd like to see and hear. Often I don't have a common thread in my projects. Much of my studio time is experimentation since I don't often sew from patterns. Some turn out wonderful, like the quilt above that is ready to be sewn together.
Some of it is just spent as block play.
Here I wanted to use the spiderweb ruler, but got into a bit of a fix when I wasn't as precise as I should have been. The project went on hold. I needed to figure out where I was off. Just so you know, it was clear back in cutting and sewing the strips.
What you can't tell from the photo is the block above is a very large block. I have so much to learn about using very large pieces, and twice over when sewing them on the bias or diagonal. This will be a fabulous looking block soon. You'll see!
The same concept with an oversized block above, this is nearly a 2' x 3' block. One problem with working in a specific palette in oversized blocks is simply you need lots of fabric! My stash was limited so this, too, was put on hold.
Okay, now for the obvious. I have spent the best part of the month reading through Quilter's Academy, a series of books that teach the foundations of quilting. Harriet and Carrie Hargrave use traditional fabrics in the projects, and some of it is growing on the modern me. There's been a stack of wovens on my stash cabinet for months, and I thought they would blend nicely with some of my hand dyed fabrics. It's not my usual style, but I think there's potential for a beautiful, traditional quilt.
This Week's Plan
Remember how I said I was going to walk each day last week? I got in one day, but it was a start. It goes back on the list.
1. Walk 30 minutes each day--even if I have to split it into two 15 minute segments.
2. Work at the longarm 30 minutes each day.
3. Finish the Hands2Help charity quilt by next weekend.
4. Make 2 more groovy improv blocks each day. (Those are not work!)
5. Take care of my cold, and get some rest.
I have an hour to squeeze in some sewing time so I'll force myself to get moving. It would be nice to sit here under my quilt and just watch Netflix, but I may regret my wasted time. Find some inspiration, and do something creative today!
Come on, Doxie girls.
Let's go sew.
Midweek Makers-where I'm featured this week
Sew Fresh Quilts
Quilt Story
Blossom Heart Quilts
Fiber Tuesday
Sew Slowly-AHIQ
Stitch All Things
Building Blocks Tuesday
Freemotion by the River-where I'm featured this week!
Cooking Up Quilts
Sew Can She
Love Laugh Quilt
Bits N Bobs
Patchwork Times
But it's hard to get going if you are fighting a cold. Hang in there and I really like your groovy blocks.
ReplyDeleteOne of these days, I'm going to just play with fabric and see what I come up with. But I'm a girl who loves (and needs) a pattern. I'll get there someday. I need to get walking as well...but I need the weather to warm up a bit.
ReplyDeleteYour diagonal brown and gold block just took my breath away. It is powerful. Keep going if the inspiration or playing around is there.
ReplyDeleteI love the freedom you seem to have with flitting between projects, I could use some of that. I feel terribly guilty when I start something "more exciting" before finishing the older project. That said, it hasn't stopped me from building up a WIP/UFO pile
ReplyDeleteSometimes just playing with different blocks creates ideas. It seems lately I've been fiddling around with far to many ideas, but I know evenutually it will stop and I can focus on one thing! Keep playing, keep posting and get better!
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued by your groovy solids, improv, rail fence like blocks. Your fiery spiderweb blocks have a lot of potential. I am sure that once you feel better you will come up something fabulous - as usual. Sending warm hugs and get well wishes.
So many fun projects! I love watching the progress.
ReplyDeleteYou reminded me - off for my 30.
ReplyDeleteWalk slow over to sew, back home to fix lunch, back to sew, over for supper, back, and then finally home for the night. 5 minutes each trip equals 30 minutes!!!! Lol.
ReplyDeleteYour Spiderweb quilt is coming along quite nicely. Just playing with fabric is fun, and I know I don't do it often enough. Hubby and I have been getting in our 30 minutes a day, some days we have to push each other but we get'er done.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great weekly plan. I hope you get over your cold soon. I love the large cross block and the large block above it as well. Your blog is always interesting as you dabble in so many creative adventures.
ReplyDeleteBe still my heart...I *love* those groovy blocks! All your playing looks like fun, I don't know how you find time to do it all! Can't wait to see more...
ReplyDeleteWow! You have so many projects brewing in your studio. Love the yellow and black projects.
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend for your participation at the Show and Tell Monday !! Happy Easter Glad Påsk Bambi
ReplyDeleteI have periods where I just seem to go from one project to anther, adding a bit here or there. Eventually, this play time adds up to something or sparks an idea I can move ahead with, I think it is all part of the creative process and can't/shouldn't always be circumvented. You have some lovely projects here!
ReplyDeleteYou've also given me a light bulb moment. Walking in two 15 minute segments. So simple and yet, this makes things that much more do-able for me!
Congrats on the blog features! I just love your hexie quilt. Feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your posts because you usually have a different project to show each week, and this one was full of fun blocks and WIPs! I love the hexie quilt, the wavy block at the very top is amazing and I can't wait to see more of that!
ReplyDeleteYou've got some interesting projects going. I know what it is like to put some on hold. Rest up and feel better!
ReplyDeleteI hope you shake off your cold soon and can focus on the sewing, though your weekly plan sounds like a good way to keep focus. I love that you are happy to play and try out lots of ideas and it's always fun seeing what you have been up to. I love the idea of working with really big blocks - though my stash wouldn't stretch to it either. Thanks for linking up with AHIQ.
ReplyDeleteGoal-setting always seems to lead to greater productivity. I hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteI hope you're well on the mend. You made a good point about scale and block size; it's frequently hard to tell in photos. I enjoyed seeing your various play-time activities. Thanks for linking with AHIQ.
ReplyDeleteAll of those projects look terrific, especially the plaid with the star. Not a bad idea making big blocks to use up fabric - I should consider that!
ReplyDeleteSusan @ quiltfabrication
So much going on! The groovy blocks are very fun!