Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Quarter 3 Sign Up for On the Windy Side

#1 Moda Modern Building Blocks

Posting all my UFOs or WIPs for the Quarter 3 Finishes with On the Windy Side makes me feel like I'm pinning my skivvies to the clothesline in my front yard. I'm just the tiniest bit embarassed, but it is definitely motivating. I want these to disappear. Wouldn't it be neat if I had none of these left by October 1st? 

They are all quilts or wall hangings so no explanation is necessary. I'm just going to give each one a number today.

#2 Blue blocks

#3 Red Strip quilt

#4 Modern Traditions quiltalong

#5 Improv piecing from Amy Butler Retreat

#6 Tula Pink X's and O's

#7 Love block quilt

#8 Circus quilt

#9 Mrs. Bannister's Stars

#10--2015 MQG Challenge

#11 Allison Glass 9 patch

Gosh. There were 11, and honestly I hid a few so I wouldn't be tempted to throw them in. I'm motivated! Keep me honest, and working through them, okay? And I'll be sure to give you little reminders, too, to keep you on track.

And now I'm off to sew a bit before the Canal Quilter's Guild meeting tonight. I hope to chat with you on Instagram.

Come on, Doxie girls.
I have to get sewing!

Linking up with
Patchwork Times
Q3 Finishes On the Windy Side


  1. Hang in there! You've reminded me to get back on track with my tons of UFO's. A couple of years ago, I wrote a list of them, and worked on them pretty diligently. By year's end, I had completed a lot of them. Or, at least the tops. Now I have a ton to be quilted ;-/

  2. Love the comment about airing your (clean) laundry. I can't wait to see your finishes!

  3. Good luck with all your finishes!!

  4. Oh my! Yes I thinking posting them would help me too. Love that Modern QAL fabric especially! Happy sewing for sure!

  5. Beautiful projects! They all must be a joy to work on. Lots to keep you busy - good luck!

  6. Such wonderful and colourful projects! I am looking forward to seeing them finished. Best of luck!

  7. Lots of great projects to keep you busy here Julie! Look forward to seeing a bit more of #7 love block quilt!

  8. I'm loving block #7 the most! You have a list a mile long...but I think you will get through them...for the most part!! No, you will!!

  9. An interesting list, as I look through your projects, I think you like bright fabric! Good luck with some finishes.

  10. You have a longer list than I do (!?!) but I'm looking forward to seeing your finish on Mrs. Bannister's Stars!!

  11. Lots of great stuff there. I really like the Alison Glass 9-patch project. It would make me smile to be working on it. I just love her fabric!


Thoughtful comments are Honey to My Heart! Thank you for taking time to leave such words. Feel free to email me directly with any specific questions at
Pink Doxie Mama