Saturday, December 27, 2014

Unisex Baby Quilt

I finished this little quilt top this afternoon. I'm SO happy how it turned out. I think it says, "Baby!", and neither girl nor boy. Mission accomplished. That's what I was aiming for. We've got company coming this week to visit, so it might not be a finished quilt by week's end, but I'm shooting for it. It's given me so many more ideas on how to use the Depression fabrics.

Slightly off topic now--
I need to share a few cute Christmas presents I received this year from a daughter that knows me well. I can't wait to use them.

And here are a couple I bought myself.
No more cold coffee or tea. It works well.

Here's one I ordered for safety. One afternoon I left the room without remembering to unplug my iron. It scared me when I went back a few hours later to find the iron still hot.
It was much cheaper that replacing the whole iron with one that had an automatic shut off, or a visit from the fire department.

You can set it for 30 minutes, 3, or 6 hours to shut itself off. I have peace of mind now.

Here's a handy little trick I use in the sewing 
room to both clean up and find pins on the floor. Don't let your pins
on the magnet for long or you'll magnetize them! 
Also, keep away from anything electronic--like your machine's computer.

The Doxie Girls and I are starting a new project this week. I scored these amazing bags of zippers in Zinck's Fabric Outlet. Can you see they were $2 a bag? I love it. There's 250+ zippers in assorted sizes to play with. Maybe some little purses and bags?

So, as the button says, 
Keep Calm and Wiener On.
(Both spellings seem to be acceptable.)
And, I hope you make time to play in your sewing room this week.

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Pink Doxie Mama