Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Project "Feather the Nest"-2

Today is Veteran's Day. Take the opportunity to thank those men and women who gave a great deal to us with their time and devotion to our country. Young and old, they all remember the sacrifices, and are grateful and honored when they know the rest of us remember, too. A simple, "Thank you for your service", is appreciated.

Yesterday was an all-out assault on leaves and plant debris. I started off cutting back with secateurs, and finished some other less valuable perennials areas by actually mowing them off with my push mower on a high setting. (I'll never be a Master Gardener that way, I know. Oh, well. There was too much to be done to be fussy.) Then everything needed sucked up with the vacuum mower which I had a knack for plugging. I'm not 100% done out there, but it's under control now. I can finish in a few hours, the bird feeders are out, and the garage is nearly clean, too. The all important thing is I found my boots! They were buried, and I'm going to need them this week. 

So how does all this relate to sewing and quilting, or more, to my theme of "Feather the Nest"? 

Most of us don't actually sew for a living. It's a passionate hobby for most to a weekly treat for others. Real life is what we do 95% of the other time. We're probably 'thinking' about quilting while we're doing the other stuff, though. The trick comes with balance. We still have to get the other stuff done to make the time to create. In comes time management, especially important for the next few weeks before the holidays if you want to do produce those handmade touches. You don't need the family there nagging you with, "Is that all you every do?" What they're saying is, "We're feeling neglected." I'm not saying you are responsible for their every need either, but a lot of us do run the households or share the responsibility with them. Delegate chores to others, and share some, too. Just get organized so Everyone gets some Self-time. You included!

Do any of you do Fly Lady? I was a devotee to for many years, and now it comes naturally. She tells you, for free, what-to-do-when in your household chores, and there are tons of tips on how to get things done ahead of time, before you stress out. Stress is the biggest roadblock of creativity I know. Being ready is the other end. You are giving yourself permission to take time for you, whether it's to sew and quilt, or something else you like to do. Check her out, and her crazy little videos.

I'm having some flooring issues resolved today by professionals--buckling hardwood, and recovering 6 dining room chairs myself. I'll give you shots tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy the fabric shots, and get some holiday chores out of the way so you can Quilt without Guilt.

Last week I got an order I'd placed with Fabricworm. I'm not one for buying a whole collection of fabric--almost never, but there were a few that jumped out at me, and I thought they were fabulous. Very bright, and very me. Almost everything they sell looks like I need it, but I used restraint and some mad money .

Frances Newcombe for Art Gallery, Utopia, Fantasy City Fervor 

Just a couple close ups of my favorite 3. 
I see fabrics from all the lines starting to take on a sort of Tula Pink feel. 

Carrie Bloomston, Paint 

Ooo! I love this one!

Yard work is calling, (argh), but the Doxie Girls and I will all be sewing after lunch today.
 I wish you could join us. 

Make time today to do your thing wherever you are, and...
Love what you do. 

Come on, Doxie Girls.
Let's get the work done, and go sew.

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I tried yesterday to clean up flower beds - but ran out of muscle very quickly. So today, off to Sugarcreek, hoping my sewing arm will hold up. Very interesting fabrics you found! I ordered from Missouri Quilt yesterday - anticipation is mounting - new ideas forming.


Thoughtful comments are Honey to My Heart! Thank you for taking time to leave such words. Feel free to email me directly with any specific questions at julie@pinkdoxies.com
Pink Doxie Mama