Friday, August 8, 2014

Let's Go for a Ride!

Home is in a very small town. We have a pet llama and two alpacas. Most days they go for walks around town. Occasionally they're accompanied by a horse friend.

We have your typical gas station with the essentials, but as for a quilter's needs, one must take a road trip. Off to Charm, Ohio, to Miller's Dry Goods. It's one of my favorite local shops.

Notice the quilt on the ceiling? Straight in the door the top floor is packed wall to wall with the freshest fabric. The store is well laid out, and easy to navigate even with full arms. Off to your right you'll find the jelly rolls, charm packs, and layer cakes in the bakery cases. Kits, patterns, notions, and books pack this side. The sales help is friendly, and may I say, "Charm-ing". 

Fresh combinations I might never have put together before. 

Time to rest with a strong cup of tea. I'll bet my partners in crime were tired out, too. Many thanks for a memorable day out.

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